(Daniel Howell x Donald Trump) Trump Tempations

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Donald slowly brushed a soft hand against Daniel Howell's cheek, his hand reaching every crevice of his face... "T-Trump Senpai! T-That's not allowed. The Teacher might--!" "Shut up! I know what's best for sexy little schoolboys...". He slowly lifted up Dan's skirt. Dan tried to slap his hand away, but Donald grabbed it, and pinned Dan against the wall.
"As I said before, I know what's best."
"T-Trump Senpai!" Dan pleaded, as Donald squeezed Dan's tight ass beneath his skirt. "That's a nice ass!" Trump retorted
Dan squirmed under Donald's tight grip, wriggling for the right for freedom. In a desperate attempt, Dan quickly pulled out of Donald's grip, but failed miserably, knocking an entire jug of ribena onto Donald's massive red tie, falling onto the floor in defeat in the process.
"Why you'll have to pay for that, you cute little shit!"
"B-but! My family is poor! I can't possibly afford to replace such an elegant tie." The statement was far too true for Dan and his family, who always struggled to meet end's meet. Dan often worked odd jobs just to help his family pay this month's rent, even if it was just a small relief, out of their giant pile of debt, that would follow them everywhere they went. Dan's parents had once been denied the right to eat at a nice restaurant on their anniversary, just because they couldn't afford nice shoes. Dan had even threatened to beat up the cashier. For he loved his family very much. But, before he started a fight in a café, his parents quickly grabbed his arm and rushed him out of there, before things got out of hand.
"You'll have to pay for that one way or another, sweetheart. I don't care if it's by cold, hard cash, or something, a little more... Personal..."
Dan's lower lip quivered in anticipation at the thought of it. Oh, the possibilities. What could the word "personal" really mean--
Dan's thoughts were cut off by a hard, orange force crashing against his body.
Their lips collided. As their tongues fought for dominance, Donald quickly began sliding his slimy, orange fingers up Dan's meaty thighs.
Their tongues intertwined, with a sloppy, wet kiss. Dan ran his hands through Donald's bright yellow toupé. Donald slapped his hand away. "No-one touches the hair but me," he scolded with a stern, but sexy scowl, but Dan swore he saw Donald wink at him. Thoughts raced through Dan's mind. What did this wink really mean? Was it a calling for Dan to hurry up and squeeze Donald's saggy man-boobs? Was it a request for Dan to squeeze his OWN man-boobs? He was confused and hurt.
"Just leave me alone, you asshole!"

"First you trick me into selling you your daughter's used bra which I stole from the girls' locker room, and then you don't even pay me for it!"

"I can't believe you expect me to offer my services to the likes of you. Why should I let you see my panties anyway? You've already sniffed the panties of my best friend, Phil!"
Dan was pissed. Really fucking pissed. He just wanted to march out of that room right then and there. But he did really need that money to pay off his debt. Dan wasn't stupid. He knew that Donald's family company could sue his ass faster than he could say "Grumpy Trump".
As much as Dan wanted to march out of that room right then and there, he knew that his family was more important than his silly teen angst.
Dan knew what had to be done, whether he liked it or not.
He dropped to his knees. It was time to get to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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(DANIEL HOWELL X DONALD TRUMP)  Trump TemptationsWhere stories live. Discover now