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Screaming could be heard from inside the house at the end of the block. The scene was your typical homophobic, Christian parents who's son was caught in the act with his boyfriend. The son was signed up for a Christian boarding school the following day. 

The son's name was Ryan, and Ryan was not pleased to have to go to the school. It was out of state and away from all of his friends. That night, Ryan had done some research on the place that would be his now-home. 'Grainger Christian Preparatory School for Boys' was the name of said Hell. From his research, Ryan found out that the place was strict. Classes started at 5 am on the nose and ended at 6 pm. Bedtime was at 9 pm and you were not allowed outside without supervision. 

The boy was not looking forward to having to go. School started in a week, so he didn't get to have much time with his friends. But he hung out with them as much as he could. He also made sure to spend a lot of time with his boyfriend, as they would not get to see each other until Thanksgiving, when everyone went home for break. 

His last day at home came quickly, too quick in Ryan's mind. Once his stuff was packed in the car, he hugged all of his friends for the last time and kissed his boyfriend of almost a year, promising to call him every chance he got. He heard his father clear his throat, telling him it was time to go. He sighed but reluctantly followed, getting into the vehicle. 

It was a 7 hour drive from his home to Grainger, filled with either silence or lectures about how his 'lifestyle was wrong and this school was a saving grace to them all'. He didn't understand his parents reasoning for sending him to an all boys school when Ryan was gay. But he didn't question. He suffered the ride and before he knew it, they were pulling up to the school. 

Ryan sighed and got out, grabbed his stuff, and walked behind his parents to the office. There he collected his uniforms, schedule, map, and room key. Without a word to his parents, Ryan turned around and headed out of the office and to his room. He had gotten a but lost along the way but, luckily, a cute guy helped him find his way. 

Ryan had unlocked the door to his room, 472b, and started unpacking his stuff. On the other half of the room, decorations and whatnot had already been set up yet he was the only one in the room. He shrugged, figuring the person would show up soon enough. 

Ryan checked his schedule, seeing that he had orientation first thing in the morning. Sighing once again, he laid on his bed and plugged in his headphones, turning the volume up as loud as it would go and pressed shuffle on his music. 

Having apparently fallen asleep, Ryan had woken up with a start to someone sitting on his bed. He opened his eyes to see a guy with long, black hair and tanned skin on the edge of the bed. Ryan pulled his headphones out, sitting up.

"Um, hi?" Ryan said to the unknown teen. "Hello." He spoke, his voice different from what Ryan would have expected. The boy had a smile on his face and his aura seemed for too energetic than Ryan liked. He was more pessimistic and tended to stay to himself most of the time. "You're new here aren't you. I've never seen you before and I've seen everyone." Ryan had come to conclude that the kid talked a bit too much. "Um yeah." Was all Ryan had said, causing the other boy to frown. "You don't talk much, do you? Are you nervous or something? Do you not like new people? Oh, speaking of which, I'm Angelo. But you can call me Ange if you want." Ryan fell back onto the bed, burying his face into the pillow. 

Angelo huffed. He didn't appreciate that at all. Grabbing the pillow, Ange ripped it out from underneath Ryan. He sat up quickly, glaring at the boy. "What the fuck is your problem?" Ryan hissed, glaring. "I don't like to be ignored." Angelo simply stated. "Look, I'm not nervous. I just don't like Ninety nine percent of people. I was forced here by my parents and I just want to be left alone." With that, Ryan snatched his pillow back, put his headphones back in, and curled up. 

Angelo now made it his mission to become friends with Ryan, whether he liked it or not. He stood up and went to his side of the room. Although Ange still didn't know his new roommate's name, that didn't bother him much. He knew the school was a different pace for most people and especially being forced into it didn't help. 

Nonetheless, Angelo was determined to make friends with the now sleeping boy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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