•1• See you next year

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Max x reader
I've been thinking about this a lot so my gay ass wrote it down in my notes and now I'm finally putting it out there
Also sorry this isn't the request someone suggested
Enjoy the shit!

Also one more thing this whole one shot book was inspired by the lovely JaredsZone


No ones pov
(Y/n) leans against a large pine tree, eyes closed whilst he/she takes the nice breeze and afternoon scene in. It was currently a Friday and for the Camp activity everyone went out to the woods to apparently 'grab something from nature to Remember the great time at camp!' As David put it. Some kids were putting thought into it like Dolph and others were just messing around, but (y/n) literally grabbed a pine cone and sat under the tree it came from. He/she was a bit tired from swimming yesterday and wanted to relax so that's what he/she did. He/she watched Neil and Max who were looking up into a large tree which had Nikki in it trying to catch a squirrel as her remembrance of the camp. Gwen was also there yelling at Nikki to 'get the hell down' and that 'she can't take home a live animal'

(Y/n) smiled as he/she looked at Max who was slowly getting bored of the situation. Max sighed and started walking towards (y/n) who watched him make his way to him/her. "Hey (y/n)" he said in his grumpy voice while he leaned his back against the tree instead of sitting down like his friend. "Hey fuck face." (Y/n) smiled as he/she looked up at Max who rolled his eyes at the dumb nickname (y/n) gave him last month. "That's my name now huh?" Max asked annoyed but also looking at Gwen who was trying to climb the tree Nikki was in. (Y/n) looked in the same direction as Max and said "As long as your an asshole then yes." Max huffed a little laugh and gave (Y/n) a 'yeah right' type of look. They both sort of laughed at they're weird friendship of just insults and small talk. Max slid down the tree onto the ground next to (y/n) causing the bark to break off and fall onto his sweater and his messy dark hair.

(Y/n) smiled seeing some of the bark fall. He/she leaned over to Max and picked some of the bark off his hair whilst Max turned his head and looked at him/her. "What are you doing?" He said not minding the fact that someone was touching his hair. "You got tree bark in your hair." He/she laughed brushing off small bits from his shoulder. Max brushed his hair with his hand a little and closing his eyes, keeping the small bits of tree dust from getting into his tired eyes. (Y/n) took his/her hand away and watched Max shake his head a little having the rest of the bark fall and then he noticed (y/n),s soft smiled stare. "Now what?" He asked.

(Y/n) sighed "I'm actually gonna regret saying this but-" he/she closed his/her (e/c) eyes and giggled "Im actually gonna miss seeing your stupid face everyday!" He/she bursts out laughing holding his/her sides. Max stares and doesn't respond just a small shimmer in his eyes whilst his cheeks glow red. He smiles a little and opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by a very happy David skipping over. The two kids look up, (y/n) looking curious and Max looking annoyed at him. "Awww I see some friendship going on here!!" He holds his hands together and closes his eyes in happiness. "Shut up David." Max says coldly
"Don't be so mean Max I'm glad your getting along with someone!"
He places his hands on his hips.
"And I hope you two have your remembrance objects cause it's about time for us to go! Right after Nikki gets down from the tree." He says the last sentence nervously as he glances back at Gwen who is halfway to Nikki still up in the tree. David walks back over and Max groans, (y/n) watches Nikki hoping she won't fall.

Max grumbles something as Gwen snatches Nikki from a branch which causes her to loose her balance on the branch, fall backwards and hit the ground with Nikki still in her grasp. Gwen groans and mutters "I hate my life." While holding her head. Nikki jumps up and screams "That was great!!" David runs to Gwens aid. (Y/n) and Max just watch until (y/n) asks "What?" Turns out he/she heard a little bit of what Max said
"Oh! Uhh I was thinking..."
Max looked down at the dirt seeing the bark from the tree as (y/n) looks at him waiting for a response. "I was thinking I'll... miss you too." He said hearing David in the background asking Gwen if she was ok and telling Nikki to not go into the tree again. (Y/n)'s small grin turns into a large smile as his/her eyes glimmer with happiness. He/she throws his/her arms around Max whilst he jumps in shock "Awe Maaaax!" His/her whole body rests on Max's side as Max tenses up at the sudden bear hug. Max's face goes completely red as he glances around, making sure no one is watching as (y/n) rubs his/her face into his hood. Good thing Nikki is good at distracting, even when she's just being herself.

(Time skip to the end of the day)

Max looks out the bus window at David and Gwen who were standing by the unmoving bus, David was crying as he watched the last few campers walk onto the bus while Gwen just stood there looking happy to see it was the last day of camp. Max sunk into his seat and threw his head back "Thank fucking lord this summers over." He said to himself as (y/n) sat by him making him turn his head and smile "Its obvious you'd be the most happy to leave." (Y/n) put his/her bag on the floor and smiled at Max. Other campers got on including Nikki and Neil who sat across from each other behind Max and (y/n). Nikki immediately stood on her seat looking over at the two sitting in front of her "Can you guys believe camp is over?!" She said in her usual exited tone that sounded kinda sad this time. "Believe it Nik's and thank god." Max said actually having less swears in his sentences than he normally has. Neil sits at the edge of his seat while the last kids get on "I'm kinda glad to be leaving too, finally I'll be home surrounded by sweet air conditioning!" He says thinking about his own nerd fantasies "Eh I'm kinda in between." (Y/n) says moving his/her hand side to side.

The bus suddenly jerks forward and the quarter master closes the bus door, backing up so he can leave properly. Kids open there bus windows and yell goodbye to Gwen and David, Nikki also opens her window and sticks half her body out while she shouts "BYE SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!" (Y/n) also waves goodbye and looks at Max "come on Max at least say goodbye?" He/she urges Max. He give a long sigh mixed with a groan and stands up to get a better look at The two counselors, he looks at David who also looks at him. David smiled wide and waved at him, until Max flipped him off and sat back down, turning away from the widow. (Y/n) wasn't surprised but glad he at least tried. Right?

(Time skip again) sorry

The two friends continued there conversation as other campers that were on the bus have either fallen asleep or were doing there own thing. Such as Nikki who was literally acting like a dog and sticking her head and tongue out the window, Neil on the other hand was just watching the scenery turn from trees into civilization. There are three stops the bus has to make to get all the campers home and (y/n) needed to get off the first stop which was coming up in a little less than five minutes, Max noticed and got a little sad as he watched his friend get his stuff together. The two looked at each other, they were both sad but didn't show it much especially Max. Soon the bus started to slow and (Y/n) gave in to Max's sad expression, so he/she hugged him, kissed his cheek lightly and said " I love you Max hope to see you soon." The blood rushed to Max's cheeks as he stared blankly at (y/n) who was walking down the aisle of the bus. Nikki watched the whole thing and noticed Max just staring off into space "Yo! Say something to him/her!!" She barked at him making him snap out of his love trance. (Y/n) was off the bus already but Nikki's window was still open. He quickly jumps over his seat to Nikki's, pushing her out of the way and shouted out the window "(Y/n)! I-I like you too!" Even not thinking he can't say 'Love' but it was an acceptation. (Y/n) watched the bus start to move and smiled at Max, happy that he felt the same but also felt bad for him once he/she heard every other kid on the bus 'ooohh' and laugh at him. The two just watched each other's love struck gaze as the bus moved away from the stop and disappear into the distance of the road.


Fuck me side ways this took too long to write!!!
Word count 1,663
See you next chapter don't forget to request shit!!


Max x reader ONE SHOTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora