Golden Star Awards

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A new awards out for undiscovered talents, there will be three different awards for titles, summaries, covers and the books themselves. There will be 15 books maximum for each genre, 5 books minimum. Last date for submissions will  be September 20.


1. Do not bribe the judges

2. Be patient

3. Be respectful

4. Mature books should be informed to the host.

5. Books must be in English

6. Book must have at least three chapters

7. Follow the account permanently

8. Must inform the host of any username changes or book title changes

9. No copyright stuff

Accepted Genres

Teen Fiction: [Now Closed]

Poetry: [Now Closed]

Fantasy: [Now Closed]

Mystery/Thriller: [Now Closed]

Chicklit: [7 Spots Left]

Humor: [9 Spots Left]

Werewolf: [5 Spots Left]

Vampire: [7 Spots Left]

Romance: [Now Closed]

Random: [13 Spots Left]

Spiritual: [11 Spots Left]

Fiction (Historical/General): [Now Closed]

Action: [10 Spots Left]

Adventure: [2 Spots Left]

Science Fiction: [2 Spots Left]

Paranormal: [9 Spots Left]

Short Story: [Now Closed]

Horror: [8 Spots Left]

Fanfiction: [Now Closed]

Awards on Wattpad (2017)Where stories live. Discover now