Is she my girlfriend???

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Ross POV

I had to tell her how I felt, I made a promise to myself. "Laura, I like you" I shake. "I like you too Ross" She smiles."No Laura, I mean Like Like, nearly to the point of love. after your accident I felt devastated. I was worried you weren't going to make it, so I made a promise to myself to tell you how I feel. I'm falling for you Laura, I tried to hide it but I can't. And I won't. I want you to be mine" I confess. She just stares at me with her mouth wide open. "Laur. Please say something" I ask. She doesn't say anything, but she does do something. She kisses me. I feel a thousand bolts of electricity running through my skin. This felt right. She reaches up to my neck and started playing with the bottom of my hair,for some reason this turned me on. I pulled her waist as close to me as she could be. "Owwww" she stopped and pulled away. "im sorry Laura. Did I hurt you" I ask. "a little. It's just my ribs, they really hurt" she says. "Here let me look" I say while gently leaning her back onto the bed. I notice she is wearing her hospital gown, I frown. "It's okay Ross. You can lift it up" she smiles. My eyes widen and I give a cheeky smile. I lift it up and frown. She laughs. "I do wear shorts under this" she laughs. "I was hoping you weren't" I wink. She blushes. "awww your so cute when you blush" I smile. I slowly move my hands around her ribs, then gently lean in and kiss her bruises. I sit up and grab her hands. "I guess there is only one question to ask" I scratch the back of my neck. "What's that" she asks. "Laura, will you be my girlfriend" I smile kind of nervously. I didn't have to wait long until she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yes, yes a million times yes" she smiled into the crook of my neck. I smile and I hug her gently around the waist. "now you need to rest, get some sleep Laur" I kiss the top of her head and walk out the door. "WAIT" she says. I turn around and nod "please stay with me" she asks. I smile and walk over to the chair next to her bed and sit down. "I meant in my bed with Me" she smiles. I stand up and get into her bed. Wrapping my arms around her waist gently and we both fall asleep.

Ryland POV

I looked down at my phone, 11:06pm. We had been sitting here for about 11 hours. I look over at Vanessa who is curled onto Rikers lap with her head buried into his neck, sleeping. Riker was holding her, just staring at the blank wall in front of him. Rocky, dad and mum were on their phones and Rydel and Ratliff went to grab some spare clothes for Laura. I was really bored. I decided to go see Ross and Laura, I had to ask them what they wanted me to organize with missing Austin & Ally. I know i wasn't a manager for the Austin & Ally part of Ross's career, only R5, but still, he was my brother and he didn't need the stress of working that out all by himself.I gently knocked on the door so I didn't wake them if they were sleeping, no reply. I opened the door and they were both sleeping together on the bed. I took a picture, you know to show at heir wedding day. I chuckle at the thought of them getting married. They were perfect together. I wish they would just admit their feelings towards each other and date. I gently close the door and walk back to the waiting bay. "whats up bro" Rocky asks me. "nothing, I'm just tired, hungry and bored" I sigh. "Wanna go grab some food" he asks. I nod and we walk off into the cafeteria.

Rocky POV

As Ryland and I turned the corner I ran into someone. she was holding a coffee. Well not anymore. As we bumped into each other her coffee cup crashed into my chest, and poured all over me before falling onto my shoes. "Oh my gosh, I I I'm so sorry" she apologized. I looked up and my jaw dropped to the ground. she was gorgeous. not like the wow she should be a model gorgeous, more like the natural beauty. My gaze stopped at her beautiful eyes. They were hazel, and really pretty. She also had medium length red hair."its okay, accidents happen right?" I smile. She giggles. "Im gonna go to the bathroom Ry, Ill meet you in the cafeteria"? I say. He nods and walks to the cafeteria down the hall."I should of been watching" she says. "Seriously, it's no biggie, if this didn't happen I would of never seen such a beautiful lady" I wink. She blushes. "I'm Rocky Lynch" I reach my hand out for her to shake it. "Jenny Smith" she shakes my hand. "So Jenny, do you want to grab a coffee sometime, I kind of owe you one, plus you owe me for spilling it on me"I smile. "I'd like that" she smiles. We exchange numbers and I walk into the bathroom. I take my shirt off and dry it under the drier. I put it back on and walk into the cafeteria. "Should we get some food for the others" Ryland asks when I walk in. "yeh, maybe just something small though, like a sandwich so if they don't want it yet, they can have it later" I answer. He nods and orders. We get cheese, ham and lettuce sandwiches for everyone and a coffee for Ryland, Mum, dad, Riker and I. We have to wait for our sandwiches to be made because it was a big order, so we sit down on the chairs and wait.

Rydel POV

No one was home at Laura's house when we got there. I walked up to her room and Ratliff followed me. I grab a bag and throw in some cute clothes. I loved getting to pick clothes for Laura, she has some really nice things. I go over to her underwear draw. "You might want to turn around, I don't think Laura wants you seeing her underwear" I laugh and Ratliff turns around while I put them in the bag. "Done" I say and he comes up behind me and kisses me on the cheek and holds my waist. I turn around and kiss him, he starts kissing my neck. "Stop" I giggle. "why does this turn you on" he asks. "Yes. So stop it, we have to get back to give Laura her things" I say. "Come on, can't we just stay here for a bit. I just want some alone time with my princess, we are always with your brothers, barely alone" Ratliff sighs. I kiss him. "Maybe just 10 minutes" I smile. He picks me up bridal style and runs downstairs to the lounge room. I get thrown on the lounge and he leans down and kisses me. "Sooo, what do you wanna do" he asks, while grabbing my hands and pulling me up. "I don't know, maybe a fun game" I suggest. "I know" he runs upstairs and moments later comes back downstairs with a packet of cards. "What game"? I ask curiously. "Poker" he smirks. "Okay I love that game" I smile. "Strip poker" he adds. I sigh "Really Liffy"? He nods. "Fine, but I'm not going past my underwear" I say. "Oh come on" he winks. "No Liffy. I'm not ready" I look down . He kisses the top of my head and hugs me. "It's okay, we don't have to play this game if you don't want" he says. "Are you kidding, I don't want to miss my hot boyfriend shirtless" I smile. He laughs. "How about we just watch a movie instead" he suggests. I nod "I'd love that". We decided to watch Alice in wonderland. Ratliff set it up and we sat on the lounge together and seconds later Ratliff pulls me onto his lap and starts kissing me. "You just couldn't help yourself could you" I say while catching my breathe from the make out session we just had. He shakes his head. "you just get me going crazy" he smiles. "Lets watch it now" he says while pulling me closer to him and kissing my cheek.. I lean on his chest while sitting on his lap and he hugs my waist. "Crap, Ratliff, we have to take Laura her stuff" I panick, remembering what we came in here for. "It's okay. We can just watch one movie and then we will take Laura her things. Besides she has already gone this long without her things, she can do it for another couple of hours" he smiles. I nod and snuggle back into him. We continue to watch the movie.

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