Luna: It's My birthday Yeah! Nox: AAAACCCKKK GROUGAL!!!!

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"It's my birthday yeah!!!!" Luna quietly sang as she snuck downstairs. It was early morning and she was wide awake, because she's a morning person. Yugo the night before had said that he had a present for her, but he refused to give it to her until her birthday.


"Luna! I've got a present for you!"


"Yep..... But you can't have it yet."



"If I can find my present before Yugo wakes up I'll get to open it!!"

"I never said that you would be able to open it."

"Good Morning Yugo."

"Good Morning, and Happy Birthday Luna."

"Can I have my present?!"

"Yeah." Yugo stepped closer to Luna "Will you be my gi-" KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! NOX JUST BLAST THROUGH THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!! Nox walked over to Yugo and Luna. Yugo pulled Grougal out of nowhere and let him attack Nox. "Luna will you be my girlfriend? <3"

"Oh My Bwork! YES!!!!" Luna said over Nox's screaming.... "But we should probably get Grougal off Nox."

"Yeah....." Once that got Grougaloragran off of Nox, Nox ran away. The little crybaby.

Sorry if this was crappy and short.

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