Chapter one

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Some brothers would tease their sister’s until red cheeks showed their sister’s shame. Some brother’s pretend their sister’s are nothing more than an ant on the hallway wall. Rarely are the brother’s parents in the equation, most siblings run to parents to hide from the other sibling, but rare as it is some must run to the sibling for help the parent cannot give.

“CAINE!” My scream broke the quite layout of the house. I ran as fast as I could from my oldest brother, Liam. My feet thundered down on the floor quick and uneasy.

There was a THUD, I was tempted to look back and see what it was but I kept running. Liam's finger’s brushed the helm of my tank top, making my breathing speed up and my heart to race.

"What is going on?" I made it, barely, and shaken but I made it. I doubled over, getting my breath, as Caine and Liam engaged in a fierce death glare.

"Do you see what she is wearing?" Liam snarled, "Dressed like a slut!"

I managed a huff and for my efforts I received a sharp glare.

"We have no time for this, Liam, grow up!" Caine growled. Without Caine I could be six-feet under right about now.

After our parents death Liam became my over-protective mother in all accounts. It was annoying, but all the same, Caine became the short-tempered, no-nonsense, father.

Me? Well I was the "bane of their existence" as Liam kindly put it. It was strange, seeing Liam, the one that never cared about me at all, worried because I had the nerve to slip a tank top over my head for school. It was weirder seeing Caine, the one nightstand guy... unlike that old self- like a past life dim in the distance.

"New school, Gracie..." Caine said looking at me with a knowing look. This is my sixth school, the one were we started.

I was thirteen when my parents died in a car wreck, and we left Sally Bay behind. At the first school I was a loner, the second a cheerleader, the third a nerd, the fourth a bitch, the fifth a soccer-jock. But now, at the sixth, I was being myself, which consisted of tank tops, skirts, and a sharp tongue.

I may look innocent with long black hair, blue doe eyes, and a small stature of 5'2 but I’m not. Do not be fooled, I can kick ass when need be.

"Caine, really, I'm fine." I told him with a roll of my eyes.

Caine sighed but nodded stiffly before adding, "I need you to be really good okay? I don't know how long we are staying but please." Caine's dark eyes met mine in full puppy-dog pout.

His hair was coffee colored, almost black in the right light. A lot like his hair, his eyes were dark, perfect for pouting. Liam on the other hand had dirty blonde hair, at times dark enough to be considered light brown.

I look more like Caine, of course. "Okay, I'll be as good as I can." I allowed and Caine smiled gratefully.

"Come on, let's get this day over with." Liam grumbled, irritated. He stalked past Caine and I.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior but followed him out without saying anything I would regret. Caine pulled out his key ring, it had five keys attached but I only knew what two were for and that was the house, and car. He unlocked the car and we jumped in, me in the back.

Sighing I rested my head on the window, feeling weird. My stomach was all twisted, though I put it off as nerves for the new school year.

As Caine and Liam lightly argued about who was cooking (though I knew it was going to be me. This is there way of getting me to offer to cook), I started to think about friends. I had a lot of friends because of all the places we have been... the easiest time leaving? When I was a longer and had no friends. I frowned, friends were nice, someone to talk to besides Caine and, sometimes, Liam.

I didn’t really need any friends though... I could go without I did once...

"Here we are, prison!" Liam cheered with stiff happiness.

I smiled at his sarcastic remark and climbed out, even though I had yet to make up my mind. "I will cook," Then still feeling weird; I hugged both of my brothers and headed inside.

Not before I heard Liam whisper, "What the hell?" under his breathe and the gasp when Caine hit him.

Smirking I pulled out my class list and read off my locker number, 43 bottom floor. Good, less walking. I found my tan colored locker quickly; it was bland tan in color, nearly white, with a huge dent in it from some abuse it must have received years back.

I opened my locker and went ahead and put two notebooks in it and a case of pens. After that I had about ten minutes to spare, just to play it safe I headed to class anyways.

"Hello dear," I smiled at the teacher, Mrs. Green and she gave me a sad look, "I did not know I had a new student! You'll have to share your book with someone... you can share with Gabe. He sits by the window." With that I had been dismissed.

I turned and sat down, losing myself as I stared out the window. I was, though, rudely interrupted. Something inside me demanded that I turned around. I did. I was met with the sight of a handsome man; he was amazing with shaggy blond hair and eyes so blue, they reminded me of the sea.

I willed him to look at me, since he was talking to some guy. I wanted him to see me, to look me in the eyes. He looked up and my world changed forever.

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