Ch. 1

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Throughout my entire life, I have always known that there have been secrets in my family and nothing of "love affairs, a terrible wrong doing by a family member or any sort of family tragedy". No, the secrets were of the supernatural and it involves the family history of my father.

You see, it is told that for many generations. Every single past relative in my fathers family were descendants of a evil Satanist pope and so my fathers family was considered evil and wicked, even though the family went into Mormon religion. So sadly, many of the past relatives were killed because of it. But luckily when my father and mother got married, the so called "wickedness" was broken and the same thing when I was born. Growing up, my grandmother often told me stories of a old church that was once owned by the family and it holds a deep secret.

Ever since she told me about it, I have always been so curious to find it and learn more about it. I've tried so hard to find anything that showed me where I could find it, sadly I couldn't find anything and I know very well that when my grandmother passed away. She handed down something to my father that involved the old church, which pretty much showed that it was real and when my dad got it. He hid it and I was never able to find it, until now.

As my van pulls up to the driveway of my parents house, I turn it off and got out. Walked up the staircase of the front porch and knocked on the front door, hear my mother's voice from inside "Be there in a minute". Within five minutes, I hear fast footsteps coming to the front door and the door opens. Revealing my mother, her wearing the same old outfit of flannel and blue jeans with one of her aprons on. A look of surprise with a smile of happiness on her face, my mother holds out her arms for a hug and I give her one.

"Jonna, so good to see you sweetie."

"It's good to see you too, mother." 

"How have you been dear?"

"I've been doing good, you?"

"That's good to hear, I'm doing good as well." "Come on in, dear."

I walk inside and mom shuts the door behind me, we walk over to the kitchen. I sit down at the dinner table, she continues doing the dishes.

"Where's father?"

"He's in the living room, busy cleaning the fireplace."

We start chatting and talk about how things have been in our own lives, after mother finishes washing the dishes and dry's them. She begins and when she finishes putting the dishes away in the places she can reach, turns to me and asks me to help her. I get up and start putting the dishes away on the medium shelves, my mother is pretty short and I'm about 5'3. So you can easily assume that my mother always asked me to help her with these kind of things, after I finish putting the dishes away and my mother gets both me and her glasses of water along with one for my father.

We sit back down at the dinner table and continue chatting, soon hear footsteps coming from the living room and see my father. He sees me and smiles, "Hello Jonna,  how are you doing sweetie?". "I'm doing good, father.", my father still wearing blue jeans like my mother with one of his best Sunday shirts and always looking well dressed as if every day was Sunday for him. I stand up to give him a hug, "Just a minute dear, I have to take care of this and don't want to get any coal dirt on your clothes.".

He had a small bucket of dirty water with bubbles of clean product and water, a dirty white scrubber floating in it. Took out the scrubber and dumped the water down the sink's drain, washed out the scrubber and washed his hands. After he dried his hands off, turned to me with a smile and held out his hands. "Now, that hug.", I smiled and gave him one. He sat down with me and mother, joined in our conservation.

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