Ch. 3

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For the rest of the week, I worked as much as I could and was able to talk to my boss about having the entire next week off. Thankfully he said yes and didn't ask why, when the next week started. I began doing some research about the symbols that were classic elements and it could possibly have some sort of connection to the "servants" of the church.  I look up the current map of the mountain forest trail and print it out, did a side to side comparison and traced the path from the old map onto the printed map.

Did some research on finding a hidden path created by satanic magic or summoning a hidden path by using satanic magic and so far nothing, but only thing that I could find that was somewhat close to was a little spell for using a hidden path and by using all of the elements. The spell seemed pretty easy and simple to do, but when I do it. It  has to be very specific.

Having to be on a full moon, star filled sky at night on the sixth day and have everything that I need for the spell and be completely ready to start the spell. On Wednesday, I packed up to be ready for the hike and got all the things that I needed for the spell. Saturday, drove over to the parking lot of the mountain forest trail and did a little hiking. Camped in my car and got early in the morning, did a little exercise run and waited for time to pass by. When it reached 9:00, I got my things together and got out of my van. Looked at the night sky, the moon was full and the sky was filled with stars. Take out my flashlight and turn it on, start walking up the trail and when I got far enough to where I didn't know where to go. I take out the printed map and look at it, get out the things and start doing the spell. Create a fire and set a up a stand over it with a iron metal pot on it, pour water into the pot and grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground. Put into the pot and let the water boil, the wind starts blowing hard and starts taking the steam.

Now I know that the next part is ready and take the pot, dump the water on the fire. Once the fire is out and the water starts flowing down, I start thinking that I did the spell and before I could except it. The water starts flowing upwards onto the hill and I look at it in awe, without wanting to waste a single minute. I quickly put on my backpack and put all of the things that I took out, put it all in a large bush so that no one could find them and take them. The water starts going north and I start following it, making sure not to lose sight of it and have the flashlight pointed at it.  

The water keeps on going north until it turns left and I keep on following it, then it goes downhill and I continue following while making sure to watch my step. Time passes as I follow the water and it starts going uphill through one of the denser parts of the forest, zig -zagging along the trees and I have a hard time trying to follow it. But I manage to keep up and soon the water stops, I see a hidden opening. There lies in the middle of the opening is the very church that I was told about, all my life. It looked like a old Christian church, but it had a strange vipe to it and look at the water. It slowly soaks into the ground and I start taking careful steps towards the church, once I reach the large front doors of the church.

I take a deep breath and knock on one of the doors, there was a silence and I knock again. Another silence, I knock for a final time and assume that it's abounded. Begin walking away, suddenly the doors start opening and I get a unusual feeling in my gut. Without even thinking, I start walking towards the opening of the doors and stop at the entrance. Take another deep breath and walk inside, once I'm inside. The doors shut behind me and I'm instantly engulfed in darkness, I put one of my hands inside my backpack and start feeling around for my flashlight. But I found something that had a strange feeling to it and quickly recognized it as my lighter, take it out and use it. Look around and see the familiar inside of a church, look around for a candle holder and find a three candle holder.

Light the candles and take hold of the holder, lift it up and continued looking around. Look at the mantle and instead of a holy cross, I saw a satanic cross and feel my gut turn. But I stay strong, there's a door on the left side of the mantle and walk towards it along with the feeling of being watched. Quickly turn around to look behind me and nothing is there, continue walking towards the door and slowly reach my hand out to the doorknob. Carefully grasp it and slowly turn it, pushing the door open and see a normal room for a priest. See another door and assume that it's a closet, I open it and was right. Looked around inside and there was only a priest robe, sash and biretta along with a staff that has a satanic symbol on it.

Searched for anymore things, but there was nothing else and I was about to walk out. Until I tripped on my foot, reached one of my hands out to grab something to catch me and my right hand caught the wall hook that held the priest clothes. Stopping me from falling, but the hook went down and before I could start thinking that I broke it. The sound of a wall going against another wall broke me from my thoughts and looked at where the source was coming from, the back wall of the closet was going behind the left wall. Revealing a secret entrance, walked over to the secret entrance and held out the candle holder to show me a path. There a was a long flight of  stone stairs that spiraled down and I felt a lump in my throat. About to lose courage of continue exploring, but I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook myself along with getting myself together.

Now having regained my courage and ready to continue exploring, I start walking down the stairs and made sure to stay close to the wall with the candle holder in front of my path. Time passes and thankfully there's just five flights of stairs, successfully reach the bottom and there's another door. But this one is different and it looks like a chamber door of metal that you could find in a castle, thankfully there wasn't a lock on it or I would have to search for a key. By the look of it, appeared to be the kind of door that can only be opened from the outside. Luckily there's a hook that must be used to hold the door handle while the door is open, it was easy to turn the handle but hard to pull the door open. So I had to set down the candle holder. Yet with some strength, I manage to pull it open and get the hook to hold the door handle.

Pick up the candle holder and walk into the room, there are five stone wall doors in a row and each one of both similar and different height. All appeared to be sealed tight, but they all have a metal symbol on them and each one is the same from the old map. All of the elements, confused and not knowing what to do. I turn around and was about to walk away, until I felt it. 

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