Chapter 1

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3rd person pov
Cold. That was all F/n felt. Cold and alone. She didn't know how long she had been here, nor did she want to know when she would leave because the only way to leave is through death. The men in white robes were coming towards she cage but she had no response, just a cold, empty glare
"Open the cage, let's put her with the other" the man closest to the cage said. His voice sounded like nails being scraped down a chalkboard, slow and torturing ( admit it we all hate that sound) designed to strike fear into your soul. The cage door was unlocked and two pairs of rough hands grabbed F/n and dragged her into another room, similar to hers but, cleaner. She heard another cage door being unlocked and she was thrown in. The men in white locked the door
"Play nice" the man said. In response all F/n did was growl.

F/n pov
I sat in the cage for what felt like hours, but in reality was only a few minutes, until a voice spoke from the corner of the cage opposite me
"How are you not shaking f-f-f-from the cold?" the voice asked. I stayed in the same position I was sat in. From the sound of the voice, the person was male, young 10 at the most, and scared
"Would you believe me if I said today was the hottest it's been since I got here?" I asked the boy turning my head slightly to try look at his face
"A-a-a-and how long is that?" the boy asked. I couldn't see his face, only his feet that were in the light
"Come into the light. I want to the the face of the only person to talk to me in ages" I told the boy, twisting my body to see him better. The boy said nothing, he just shuffled forward and let me see his face. He had dark blue hair, beautiful blue eyes that were red from him crying. His face itself was covered in dirt but his cheeks weren't sunken in like mine. It was obvious he was new
"What's your name?" I asked, my voice was softer than I had originally thought, but because of lack of water it came out very gravely
"My name is Ciel miss" Ciel said hugging his knees
"Ciel my name is F/n L/n I hope you don't mind but, how long have you been here?" I asked shuffling closer to him to warm him up
"Two days" Ciel said "F/n you talk as if you've been here for a while?"
"I've been here two years" I said. He gasped slightly and started shivering. I became worried about him. He must only be my age and I have a feeling if he doesn't warm up soon he'll get sick. They don't care when you're sick, they enjoy it. People I've talked to have died because they didn't get medical treatment. I knew I couldn't let that happen to this boy in front of me. Sighing a moved right up close to him and hugged him. Ceil tensed up when I touched him but soon relaxed. After two minutes he stopped shivering. I felt something under his very thin t-shirt. It felt like a brand. I knew what had happened but I just wanted to make sure. I slightly pulled away resting my hands on his shoulders. He gave me a confused look
"Ciel I hate to ask you this but when you first got here, they branded you didn't they?" I asked him. His face paled and I felt so guilty. I pulled him back into the hug
"I'm so sorry" I whispered. He pulled away and asked me something I didn't expect
"You've been branded too, haven't you? Please may I see where?" Ciel looked me straight in the eye when he asked me this. My mouth dropped when he asked this but I agreed to show him. I pulled down the shoulder of my worn, ruined dress and showed him my shoulder. There standing out was the mark they put on all their victims. Mine was not sore nor did it hurt but it hadn't faded in the slightest. It would be with me forever.

Time skip brought to you by a lazy author
Ciel and I had been talking for an hour when I did something I promised I wouldn't do since..... Max
"Ciel I promise you I will do everything I can to get you out but you need to promise me one thing. When I say run, run." I mentally slapped myself. This couldn't end well. To my surprise he nodded
"Thank you blue" I said. Ciel looked at me weirdly
"Did you just call me blue?" He asked. I nodded and explained
"When I was younger, before this place, me, my mother and brother would pick blueberries in my mother's friends garden. They were so blue and every year I looked forward to doing it. Your hair and eyes remind me of happier times" I was lost in the past when a thought accoured to me
"Ciel I want you to promise me that if, when I attempt to get you out if fails, but in the feature you have a chance of freedom, take it." Ciel seemed upset by my request but nodded non the less. That's when the men in white came back. That's when I began my plan to help Ciel.

Still your pov
When the men came to unlock the door I pounced. Jumping into the group of men I began causing a mess and angering every single one of them, causing them to attack me
"RUN!"I screamed, hoping Ciel wouldn't be frozen. Luckily for me he understood and began running. I knew as soon as he left the door that there was no hope for me
"Don't forget me Ciel" I whispered before everything went black.

Ciel's POV
As soon as F/n screamed run I knew what I had to do. It caused me so much pain to leave her but I knew she would kill me if I didn't run. I had only known F/n for two hours and, for now, I owe her my life. I could hear footsteps behind me and saw the men from the room coming for me. Fear ran through my veins, what had happened to F/n? I was pulled out of my thoughts by a hand grabbing me and pulling me towards it. I knew I had lost. F/n sacrificed herself for me and I couldn't even get away
"Damn brats causing so much trouble but don't you worry your little 'saviour' is gone and I doubt you will see her again she's with some friends" the man holding me said. 'no' I thought F/n was really gone. She had sacrificed everything for me, a boy she met two hours ago, and now she's gone. I was thrown back in the cage and sat so still. Without my permission, a single tear rolled down my face and came in contact with the floor.

Two weeks later or however long Ciels there for
It had been two weeks since F/n sacrificed herself for me and I was on the brink of death 'somebody, anybody help us' I whispered "are you sure you want me to help?" A voice said from everywhere around me

I'm gonna skip the scene where bassy explains everything but not done with the contract yet

This thing was offering me a way out and my revenge for my parents, but I still felt dubious when F/n voice echoed in my head ' if you ever get a chance at freedom in the feature take it!' that caused me to make up my mind
"I accept your offer demon"

Your pov
I felt weightless. I felt something covering me like a second skin, protecting me. I felt safe. Then I heard something. A loud noise. A motor? Perfected? My eyes snapped open. I was laying on the ground with people surrounding me. The men in white masks.

Dun dun dun. Where do u think u are. I don't own black butler hope u enjoy this book

GG out

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