3) The Next Day

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The Next Day

Kaya and Yanna woke up

Yanna :omg!!!! kaya just what day today is!?

Kaya :the we meet yr boo and mines

Yanna :yea I'm so happy like Im gonna be all flirtly too

Kaya :yea but we should go eat and get ready

Kaya and Yanna eat pancakes and bacon and they get ready and put on they cute outfits (Kaya is wearing blue skinny jeans and blue&black 6 rings Jordan's and blue &black crop top) and (Yanna is wearing pink skinny jeans and pink & black 6 rings Jordan's and a pink &black crop top)

After they finish getting ready Kaya and Yanna get in their cars and they drive to Atlanta Lil 5 points Mall and that's where they get too meet the Atl stars .

At the Mall

Key Swagg Pov

Hey I'm Key Swag but u can call me Keyy for short I'm lightskin and 16 yrs old and I play basketball too. I'm also ready to meet pretty girls at this mall that I can be with.

Domani Harris Pov

Sup I am Domani but u can call me money man and I'm lightskin and I'm also 16 and I rap and basketball as well. Im also ready too meet pretty girls at this place cause I'm ready too mingle.

Yanna Pov

I'm so freaking nervous but I'm gonna calm down cause its gonna go right hopefully because I really like Key, he so attractive like damnnn ...

Kaya Pov

I'm no where near nervous I'm just gonna work my Magic and keep it cool but I cant wait to meet domani tho...

Yanna and Kaya see the sign and then its a long line of girls but they get on the line anyway

After 20 minutes Kaya and Yanna are meeting them

Key Pov

Finally I see a girl that is pretty and and not a thot and I think she could maybe be the one

Yanna :hi key I wanted to tell u that u cool and cute

Key :hey and thank u and what's yr name cutie

Yanna :(starts blushing but covers her face)

Key :you don't have to be so shy

Yanna :ok my name Teyanna but I rather be called Yanna

Key :ok so yanna so how would u like it if we can meet up tommorow at the Atl Park around 3 pm?

Yanna :of course

Key :ok but what's yr number?

Yanna : 111-222-3333 (Fake)

Key : ok so yea tommorow yanna

Yanna :byee keyy

So Kaya and Yanna get finish talking to them and both of them gonna meet up at the Atl Park tommorow with Key and Domani.

Thy leave the mall and go come and they talk about what happened

Kaya :yanna tell me what happened

Yanna : well I told him he was cute and he said I was cute too omg I'm happy lol

Kaya : I know how u feel cause domani said I was pretty and he is just so fine lol

Yanna :and I also gave key my number and we meeting up tommorow

Kaya :oh me too so its gonna be a double date kind of ..

Yanna :yep

They chill and continue talking and eat ice cream



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