Chapter 1: Scary Movie

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 Rating: T for gruesome mentions, mildly mature themes, and some teen related situations

Translations: nii - honorific for big brother

"They told me once, 'Don't trust the moon, she's always changing'
The shores bend and break for her
And she begs to be loved."

-Halsey, Good Mourning

  Delicate fingertips tapped against the wooden coffee table, as the blonde girl was listlessly glancing at her phone. There wasn't much to view on her small hand held device besides the usual posts from people she followed on social media. That of which included pictures of nature and images of her friends from high school.

"Lucy, do you know what time Natsu-nii will get home?" A soft voice called out from in front of the girl, causing her to shift her eyes up to view the small twelve year old, Wendy.

"He should get home around 11pm or midnight, he said he had to work a late shift tonight," Lucy replied with a sigh, referring to the younger girl's older brother.

Natsu Dragneel was one of the town's hotheads who was always known for getting into trouble wherever he went. Whether it was starting a fight with anything with legs, or occasionally setting things and people aflame. Everyone in the small city of Magnolia knew the pyromaniac, having earned him the title, "Salamander."

The reason Lucy was at the Dragneel's family house was because that Friday night, Wendy's parent's Igneel and Grandine had gone off to their weekly date night. Although they insisted they wouldn't be gone long, the blonde teenager knew they were planning to stay the whole weekend out of town for a well deserved break from their hot tempered son.

The blonde's day had been a slow one, because it was summer vacation which meant no school for her. The seventeen year old girl was enjoying the leisure time though, and didn't mind making a few extra bucks while she was at it.

It wasn't even much of an inconvenience for Lucy to watch the young girl, because she spent most of her time at the Dragneel household anyways. They'd always been close family friends through Natsu, which his parents accepted her as their second daughter upon meeting her.

She'd been struggling to live alone after her father's death, leaving her an orphan. Lucy had bounced around hotels for awhile before settling at a cheap place to stay. Despite her affordable one room and bathroom apartment, she spent a lot of her time with the four member family a lot while staying in their guest bedroom.

Despite paying for her own place she always felt comfort of being with the family, the Dragneel's made her feel less lonely. It felt as if she had a loving supportive family with her.

"Lucy, do mind if we make some popcorn. The movie is great and all, but I'm feeling kinda hungry." Wendy asked with a sweet smile adorning her face. With that kind of expression how could her babysitter say no?

The teenager got up with a smirk of her own liking the idea, muttering a reply of approval to the girl before walking off into their kitchen.

The Dragneel household wasn't the fanciest to say the least, seeing as Lucy spent her young years growing up in a giant mansion owning over ten-thousand acres of land in her family name. However, something about the small house she was currently in was cozy and friendly. It was a home fit for a loving family.

As soon as Lucy grabbed a bag of popcorn from the box and placed it in the microwave, a notification sound from her phone caught her attention. After she clicked the popcorn button on the microwave, she then went to check her messages.

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