Chapter 1-I hope you're happy!

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(Marty up above)
{~ Marty's POV~}

"I hope you're happy," my mom scolded as she slams the front door shut.

"What did I do," I said with a confused look on my face.

"You know what you did, getting drunk with your friends at that stupid party I told you not to go to,and now you got yourself in trouble with two tickets for the stupidest things,you're the most stupidest kid I know," my mom said while yelling in my face.

"I'm not a kid," I growled in anger.

"Well if you aren't a kid get out of my house,since you have no respect for me or what I say,you need to leave, I mean now pack your stuff and get out," as she said with anger rushing though her eyes.

"Where would I go," as I said it with tears running down my face

"I don't know and I don't care,get out before I call the police for trespassing," she growled

"Mom I'm sorry please don't do this, I know u don't want to do this as much I do," I said when I jumped out of my chair and ran into her arm's and she pushes away.

"I know everything I say is isn't all true but your seventeen/17 and almost eighteen/18, but it's just about time for u to move out or look for a university or college so that's what I meant I'm sorry for calling u stupid but it's kinda true Marty not the smarty," she explains while laughing to her self.

"Omg Mom that's so not funny the only thing funny is that u think your funny and that would be the only reason why I would laugh," A small chuckled fell out my mouth.


"Marty and haven the bus is here," mom yelled we ran out of our rooms grabbing our bags to the bus.

"Wait I'll see ya'll after work (8:30) love you guys," she walk to the door


Hey sorry I didn't finish the chapter but I want to know if it's good or not cause I don't know if I want to still write this book so please comment if I should or not

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