Last Dance, Last Chance

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It was prom night.

It was his last chance.

He couldn't afford to lose it.

He had to tell her.

She had just finished dancing with another boy and was waiting for somebody to ask her again.

He let out a loud sigh. It was now or never. He anxiously took steps towards her direction. With every step he took, he vividly remembered the little girl who had been a very big part of his life and his memories.

He was 5 years old back then, a little chubby kid. He couldn't stand the raised voices of his parents so he went outside. He sat on the swing on their porch and cried.

A little girl came up to him and offered him a handkerchief. He refused, but she wiped his tears away. The little boy that he is, he told her what made him cry. He seemed to have everything he wanted, except for one thing. Love.

He had never felt loved in his own home. Everyone around him was always fighting and he gets afraid that one day he would be just as cruel as the people around him. He couldn't take it.

He poured out his tears and to his surprise, the girl kissed him on the cheeks. Then she said, "That's not true! God loves you and he's always there for you, and He's the kindest person you'll ever meet!"

As she said those words, something stirred up inside him. Instead of following the footsteps of his parents, he became a kindhearted guy. He never let anybody cruel make his faith waver. He never got the courage to do one thing though, he couldn't tell the girl he had loved her ever since that day. He just kept watching her from afar as they grew up.

He had lived his life to the fullest and was happy about how he turned out to be. All because of a kind girl's words.

But then, something unfortunate happened. He wasn't even prepared for it, but he had lived his life in contentment and had no regrets except for one thing. He never got to say thank you to the girl he had loved from afar. He never thought he would see his girl again.

Now, as he approached her with shaking hands, he noticed that she had changed a lot. She was prettier than she had ever been, and she still had that smile that comforted him whenever he saw it. He smiled. This girl had been the reason he lived his life well, and he wanted to thank her for it.

He came face to face with her. His heart was thumping wildly.

He asked her if she would like to dance and to his surprise, she agreed. He thought she had forgotten him already. He was overjoyed. He hadn't seen her in a while. He had missed her so much and it was only a matter of time before he went away again.

He asked her while they were swaying to the music, it was as if they were the only people in the room. He said, "Do you remember what you told me back when we were kids?"

The girl nodded and smiled.

He also smiled and said, "You saved my life, you know. Those words you said, even though we were just kids back then, they changed me. Thank you for that. You were such a kind girl to say those things to a crying little boy you just met"

The girl was surprised he had still remembered that day. And that what she said had impacted him like that.

He spoke again.

He said, "You know, I found out that what you said was true. He is the kindest person you'll ever meet. He let me see you one last time before I have to return to Him."

He continued," I just wanted to thank you for affecting my life the way you did. It was a small gesture that had a large impact in my heart. My courage wavered for so long and now He is giving me the chance to thank you. I love you and I always have, and I always will. I am thankful that He gave me this last chance and now I can return to Him."

He smiled and said, "We'll see each other soon"

Then he was enveloped by white light.

He disappeared right before her eyes, just as realization hit her.

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