New York

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Rushing through the small crowd of people,Zayda clutched onto her black rucsac in hopes of it not swinging around and hitting someone as she rushed towards the small shop she worked in.In her frantic attempts to clean up the crumbled soil on her apartment floor after her gray long haired tabby ,Pesto, had managed to knock the blooming flower off of the window sill,she had managed to make herself 10 minutes late from when she should of left to get there on time.

She needed to keep her job ,even if it was small ,it was one of the only things she had achieved.She'd love to tell you after one and a half year of living on her own and abandoning her family,that she would have her life on track and sorted.But she didn't. She'd love to tell you she had made loads of friends.But she hadn't. She made a few ....acquaintances, however even calling then that was a push as most only sent her a text a month asking if they could crash at hers.She was only 16 and a half nearing 17 but everyone seemed to think she was more 17 going 18  which wasn't really a surprise seeming as she acted very mature for her age.She'd also like to say she'd met someone to keep her company,who would cuddle up with her in cold nights.But she couldn't.However she could tell you that she had achieved getting a job at a shop on the high street which sold old vintage clothes,records,books and other random bits all whilst serving tea and coffee as well.She'd also managed to afford a cheap apartment which was a large sized room with a bed ,a TV and sofa and a kitchen and a small room coming off to reveal a bathroom.She'd also found Pesto,who was her ultimate companion in life when she moved back to America,She first moved to France but after struggling yo pick up the language ,she left and moved to New York.

Swinging the door open in the shop,the small brass bell above the door rung as the shop owner peered over at her.

"Late today Zayda,its most unusual for you" The old lady spoke up.

"Sorry,Martha,My cat caused a mess and I lost track of time" She sheepishly said.

" no worries my dear ,if it was Edward I'd be mad but it you so it doesn't matter." She chuckled.

Edward.Zayda had a love hate relationship with the blonde haired boy.When she first started she despised him due to his egotistical and fuckboy attitude.However as they worked together longer they became more friendly causing Zayda to like him because as a friend he was great however more often than not Edwards crude 'I want to get in your pants' way of life interfered lead in him to still act like a total dick ,causing the hate side of their "friendship".

Shop life was particularly slow and it only really meant ringing up buys,ordering new stock,Tidying shelves and serving drinks. Small and quiet,the best way.

Everyday at 5pm she'd close the door slamming it shut so it actually fitted into the frame before locking it and heading the her apartment block ,ready to curl up with Pesto on her old cream couch to watch reruns of How I Met Your Mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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