Hitoshi X Reader

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You walk down the path way you have walked so many times to go to the park, you didn't live far away so your mum didn't mind if you went to the park alone, you were only 6 but you knew how to use your quirk quite well to protect yourself, you walked down and as soon as you could see the park you heard other kids laughing, you smiled and thought you could make some new friends, you turn the corner and see three kids ganging up on one other child with purple hair on the ground, you see they are kicking him and throwing things at him, you run over and while you are, you hear one of them say
"you will never be a hero Hitoshi! Your quirk is a villains quirk!" You quickly active your quirk, the kids turn around
"Oh crap!" And they ran away leaving the other boy on the ground alone, you walk over to him,
"Are you alright?" You said as you reach your hand down to the boy, he slowly looks up with tears falling down his face and over the cut on his left cheek
"Leave me alone... I don't need help" he mumbles and looks back at the ground, you sigh and hold out your hand still
"Will you at least tell me your name" you say with a smile on your face, he looks at your hand then at you, he sniffles and takes your hand,
"Hitoshi..." He mumbles while standing up
"T-thats my name... You wanted to know it right? Well...its Hitoshi..." He said while ruffling his hair, you smile and look up at him, 'wow.. He's really tall.. Or I'm just really short'
"Im Y/n!" He stares at you and his cheeks turn slightly pink
"T-thats... A cute name.." He said while he looked away, you look at the cut on his cheek and look at the blood dripping down it, you smile and reach into your pocket, Hitoshi looks at you
"What are you doing?" He said while tilting his head to one side slightly, you pull out a bandaid and turn to him, you go on your tip toes (cause your shorter than him) and stick the bandaid to his cheek where the cut was, he was a bit hesitant at first but he rubbed his cheek, he looked back at you and blushed
" Why do you have that on you? Did you know you were going to need it?" You shook your head
"Mum makes me carry them incase i trip and fall so i can help it heal without mum" you smile at him widely, and he smiles back
"You know your a bit weird.... Like me.."

*Present Time..

The bell rings and everyone gets out of their seat, you pack your bag and start walking down the hallway and wait outside of a classroom, you didn't wait long before Hitoshi walked out
"Heelllooo Hitoshi!!" He jumps and accidentally used his quirk on you, you stood there and couldn't move and Hitoshi sighed, you blinked and you had full control over your actions again, you looked up at Hitoshi
"Honestly Y/n you need to stop scaring me like that.." He rubs the back of his neck and you grin
"Buts its funny!" You giggled and he looked away slightly blushing
"Yea well, its not that funny for me... Oh yea.." You look up at him still smiling a bit and he stares directly at you
"Are we still hanging out later?"He asked and you nodded excitedly
"Yea of corse! When have i ever missed out on our playdate thing?" You put your hand on your hip and Hitoshi stares
"Very true..." He said as he started walking away, you followed and you both walked out of the school and he walked you home, you walked through the door and walked into your room, you threw your bag on your bed and walked over to your wardrobe to find something to wear, you decided a casual dress and some boots, you quickly brushed your hair and you were out the the door in less than twenty seconds.

You ran out of your yard and down a few streets before bashing into someone, you look up and see a police officer, you panic
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! i didn't see you there! please don't give me a fine!!" He smirked
"No its ok mam, ive been set to patrol the area for some villains, and they were last seen in this area" he said
"Wow really! Real villains!" You get a sparkle in your eye
" yes but please do be warned mam, these are expert villains, they have already killed eight people" your heart sank
"E-eight people" you spoke shakily and the officer nodded
"Please be on your guard mam, i don't want it to become nine" he spoke as he walked off, you watched him until he was out of view, you looked at the ground in front of you and smacked your hands in your cheeks and shook your head, your not gonna let this ruin your day, you looked back up and started running to the plaza again.

You got there and put your hands on your knees, you puffed
'I should really exercise more' you felt a hand touch you back, you quickly grabbed it and flipped whoever touched you onto the ground, you come back to your senses and see Deku lying on the ground, you panic again
"AHHH!! OH NO DEKU ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT!!!" He shiverers on the ground and groans, Hitoshi walks up beside you laughing
"I didnt know you were that strong Y/n" he snorts a bit and you look at what he's wearing, black jeans, white shirt and a black jacket, you thought he looked quite cute, Hitoshi looked you up and down and turned away blushing
"You look... Really nice in the dress" you smile and thank him as Deku finally sat up and looked around
"My head hurts" Deku rubbed the back of his head
"I would expect so from a throw like that!" You ran around his and kneeled down so Deku could see you
"Are you ok Deku?" You spoke to him in a soft voice so you didn't give him a headache, Hitoshi Glared at Deku
"Yea, I'm fine Y/n-chan" Deku said with a smile, just then Hitoshi quickly picked you up over his shoulder and walked off.

You banged your hands on Hitoshi's back and yelled
"What are you doing! Put me down! We left Deku there!" He snickered
"Deku isn't with us, i found him walking around, today its just you and me.. Ok Y/n?" You pout and look at him
"Fine but put me down!" You kept screaming, Hitoshi sighed and put you down
"There, you happy Pincess?" He said jokingly while you looked around and noticed that you went from a few people walking around the plaza to no one here, you looked back up at Hitoshi
"Hey.. Where is everyone?" You asked, he looked around
"I have no idea.. Ill look around, you stay here i wont be long" he demanded, you pouted as he walked off, you waited a few seconds and turned around to look around for anyone as well, you looked down the street and down an alleyway, you looked back and realised.. You were lost.. You looked around for Hitoshi or anyone, but you couldn't find anyone, you sighed and started walking back to way you came when someone wrapped their hand around you mouth and your waist, holding you still, you squirmed and muffled screams were all that came out of your mouth

Two men come into view, one with bat wings and the other with, bear claws
"This one looks nice! Nice indeed" said one of them, the guy with bat wings put his hand up your dress and stuck out his tongue
"Don't worry girly! We just want some fun!" You squirm even more and tears start falling down your face, the man with the bear claws spoke up
"It would be best for you if-" the man froze and stared blankly, his friend turned around
"Hey man, you ok?" Out of nowhere he attacked the man holding you, making you break free, you quickly ran a few feet away and turned around to see what was going on, you turn and see the man with bear claws standing and staring at the ground with his two friends lying unconscious on the ground next to him, he turns to you enraged
"YOU MADE ME KILL MY FRIENDS YOU BITCH!" He ran straight towards you with his bear claws ready to tear you to shreds, when someone came running out from behind you and punched him in the stomach
"You don't touch her.." The man fell to the ground and Hitoshi turned and looked at you with a blank expression
"Your not hurt, are you?" You cried tears of joy and ran up to him and tackle-hugged him to the ground.

He smiled and hugged you back, you both stood up and Hitoshi looked at you
"Hey where did you get that cut from?" Hitoshi reached down and touched your cheek and wiped away some blood
"Oh, i...i don't know, i guess it just happened" You rubbed your cheek while Hitoshi reached into his pocket and pulled out a bandaid, he put his hand under your chin and lifted your head up to stick the bandaid onto your cheek, you rubbed your cheek where the bandaid is and smiled
"Thank You Hitoshi!" He smiled you kissed you on the forehead, he covered his mouth and looked away blushing, you stood there processing what just happened and turned red, there was a silence for a little while before Hitoshi spoke
"I-i like you..Y/n.. E-ever since we were little, i always thought you were Cute, funny and.. Well... Mine only.." Hitoshi turned even more red and you cupped your cheeks, he looked at you and put his hand under your chin and lifted your head up, your lips only a few inched from his
"Will you be mine Y/n?~" you turned as red as humanly possible and quickly nodded, he smiled
" your so Cute Y/n" His lips collided with yours, 'so warm and soft' you thought to yourself as you kissed him back.

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