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A/N: Welcome to my new fanfic~


Soh Chaeyon

Soh Chaerin (You)

Kim Taehyung

Rest of BTS

I'm Soh Chaerin, the younger sister of Soh Chaeyon. People sometimes mistook us as twins cause we look identical but we're not; Chaeyon, she's a year older than me, prettier, a role model she's good in everything she does, every aspect.

That's why our parents always favors her over me. Giving her all their love, all their time always praising her whenever she does well but if she doesn't she'll get encouragement while I take the insults.

"Why can't you be like your sister?"

"Learn more from your sister!"

"You are nothing compared to your sister."

Even in school, people treat me the same as my parents. Sometimes Chaeyon had that apologetic and sympathetic look on her face but I don't really care. People would even bully me for not having the same abilities as Chaeyon.

Kim Taehyung. My crush, Chaeyon's loving boyfriend. Before Taehyung became Chaeyon's boyfriend me and Chaeyon agreed to give him up if either one of us wins his heart but knowing he has a crush on my sister. It's impossible to win him as Chaeyon's always in the limelight while I'm at her back.

Sometimes I just wish that something could happen to me or Chaeyon that can make our lives change for the good.

One day it happened but instead of changing for good, it just turned worst...

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