First boy

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Aphmau might seem like a cute little potato but when any boy falls for her they go missing. it all started here.
Aph had met a boy name Gene. They fell in love. When they boyfriend and girlfriend Aph found out that Gene was cheating on here she was so sad she ran home and told her mom (Sylvanna)
Sylvanna used to be a Yankee so let's just say she gave the wrong advise to Aphmau.
So the next day in school Aph went to Gene
Aph: Gene could come with me I need show you something.
Gene: ok.
So Aph brought Gene out behind the bleachers
Aph: I thought you loved be but I guess you don't.
Gene looked confused.
Aph: Don't play dumb with me. I know all about everything.
Aph pulled out a knife from her backpack.
Gene tried to run but Aph the threw the knife and it stabbed Gene in the back. Gene fell to the ground. There was blood everywhere but Aph didn't care. She cared that Gene payed for his sins. So Apg dragged Gene to the dumpster and threw him.
After killing Gene Aph felt nice. She liked killing people.
And that's how the rampage started.

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