What Are They? Part 2

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The sonic turned off as soon as it was pointed to a door so he approached it and opened it. Once the boys entered they saw the girls looking at something in the corner. "What have you found?" The Doctor thought.

"Dunno. It's the same white substance from the main room of the hub." Astrea replied.

"Doc, me and Martha found a room full of power on a map of the ship. Do you wanna check it out?" Astrea questioned.

"Alright. Come with me. Mickey, you stay with Martha." The Doctor ordered before walking off; the Time Lady on his heel. "Where's this room at?" He asked.

"I'd say about a five minute walk from here. Come on." Astrea lead the way, twisting and turning down the corridors.

They soon came across the door and walked on in, only to be swarmed by soldiers. Astrea spotted someone crowded by soldiers that she recognized immediately. She instantly bowed, her necklace falling out from under her shirt, dragging the Doctor down with her. "The girl in centre is Queen of the Xolions." Astrea said to the Doctor once she saw his confused face.

"Lower you weapons." A soft voice spoke.

"Are you sure, your Majesty? They could be here to kill you." A soldier replied.

The Queens reply was, "Look at her neck, General." They all looked and instantly lowered their weapons. "I would like to speak with them." The people who crowded the Queen separated to show her in a long, flow-y, mint green dress, turquoise skin and silver hair. "You may arise." She spoke softly.

The two Time Lords stood up straight and Astrea greeted her with a smile. "It is an honour to meet you again, your Majesty."

"We have met before?" She questioned.

"Yes, your Majesty. You were attacked by your twin planet and I helped you resolve you problems. This is the Doctor." Astrea gestured to the Time Lord beside her. "And I'm Astrea." The Queens eyes widened at the name 'Astrea' and realized who she was but before she got a word out Astrea spoke. "And don't begin to think that you owe me because you don't."

The Queen smiled replying with, "That explains why you emblem is a ruby. You feel you need to right your wrongs even though you don't."

"That's where you're wrong." She mumbled. "What happened to your ship anyway, your Majesty?" Astrea queried.

"We were heading back home but on our journey we got attacked. We crashed here and we need a few appliances to rebuild the ship so we've cloned people who work here." The Queen explained.

"Excuse me, your Majesty," The Doctor voiced, "But we've came across several white gooey substances in the hub and on board this ship. Would you, by any chance, know what it is?" He asked.

"That would be the flesh that melted."

"Sorry. Flesh?" The Time Lady questioned.

"They are clones that are like..wax."The Queen explained. "Put them near heat and they'll melt."

"Then they're different than the ones I have dealt with." The Doctor said. "These ones are a lot weaker."

"They're only temporary until we get what we need." The Queen spoke. "Once we get what we need the clones melt and the people we used are returned."

The Doctor asked, "Do you have a girl with black hair, a man with brown hair and a man in a suit?"

"Yes. They're over here." The Queen led them into another room and saw Gwen and Ianto laying on a metal table with a scanner above them.

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