Visitation Dream (That happened a day after Michael died)

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So the day that Michael died I was in the car in the parking lot of a store called BJ's with my dad. We just got done food shopping and before we drove off my dad lit his cigarette before he pulled off. But then I remember the music stopping and the radio station announcing that Michael Jackson died.

I remember choking a bit and feel a bit heavy chested, trying to hold back my tears back the whole car ride home. Luckily our apartment was right next to the store so we only had to drive a corner to get to our apartment complex. I remember I didn't help my dad bring groceries in, I asked for the keys and ran up 8 flights of stairs (we lived on the 8th floor) and I immediately ran into my room, and locked myself in it for a day.. I didn't eat or anything.. I was completely depressed (I was more than capable of getting depressed easily.. I was 11 and I'm diagnosed with depression) I also stayed in my room the next day also and watched tv, seeing Michael EVERYWHERE.. I would cry that whole day and listen to his music on my phone too until I passed out later that night.

Ok here's where the dream comes in.

I remember being in this hella bright white like place, the dream was vivid (and for those who don't know what vivid dreams are it's a dream that feels like you're not even dreaming, it feels VERY REAL).. I was in this white place for a long while and it honestly got REALLY fucking boring .. I remember looking around, shielding my eyes from the brightness, like people do when they're shielding their eyes from the sun (putting their hand on their forehead) I remember getting up (bc I was laying down) and sighing to myself. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder (I mean I can't actually FEEL it but I knew someone or something was behind me because I had dreams like this with relatives that passed away a bit after they died)

I turned around and saw a black suit with gold little decorations on it (I don't remember details of the outfit but all I know it was black and gold), with formal black pants, and formal black shoes. The person was tall.. I mean shit, I'm 5'5.. who isn't taller than me at this point?

But that's not the point..

This person was tall.. I couldn't look up past the chest because this place was too damn bright, it felt like I was looking directly into the sun... I could hear Michael's voice say something on the lines of (just to sum it up in a nutshell, because if I wrote it in full detail I'd be writing a book)

"It's okay, there's no need to be upset.. I'm safe, I'm no longer in pain.. it's okay to cry .. you can celebrate my life but please do not be sad or mourn because (I) need to know that he is in a safe place now.. and that he's always watching over his fans."

Then blah blah I talked with him for a bit asking him stuff like "why? .. why visit me?" stupid shit like that and then I remember giving him a hug (and once again I couldn't feel shit) and I remember his last words to me was

"Keep your head up, because everything's okay."

Then I remember waking up with tears running down my face.. but I felt at peace.

Like that feeling of getting done meditating, or getting done a nice hot bath.. that kind of feeling.

I wasn't depressed like I was those two past days.. usually I would be (bc once I'm depressed I get REALLY depressed for a while) but I felt calm.. like I had nothing to worry about.

Then I came to the sudden realization that I had a visitation dream with Michael.






Because I had visitation dreams like that with my great grandparents (who I were very close to..) right after they passed away

So yea

That was my visitation dream in a nutshell.

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