Chapter 6: Why is your hair pink?

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Chapter 6:

Why is your hair pink?

The continual chime of the school bell signalled the end of their maths lesson. This ringing, for a group of so-called 'offending' students, also indicated the start of the day's supplementary class.

It was Wednesday, and despite being midway through the school week, no real progress has been made towards passing the exam.

The majority of their time consisted of the four trying to get Brian and Dowoon to just attend supplementary classes. Thus, little time has been spent actually revising.

For the remainder of yesterday's lunch, Haru and Wonpil went for a straight-forward attack. They followed Brian and Dowoon around, respectively, in the hopes they'd give in and agree to attend.

They were continually ignored.

As the rest of the class got their books out for self-study, the six supplementary class-takers raised from their seats. They headed in the direction of their cluttered classroom, except for one non-conformer. Sporting a dark T-shirt under his unbuttoned school shirt, phone in hand, this guy with his ruffian image turned in the opposite direction.

Before he would escape, Sungjin called out to him.

'Where are you going?' he questioned firmly.

Brian replied nonchalantly, 'I doubt that teacher of ours will turn up to supervise'.

'You still need to attend. And revise.' Sungjin commanded.

He shrugged, traipsing off down the hallway.

Sungjin scowled after him.

'What can I do?' he asked himself, 'when they don't want to do something, how do I force them?'

Haru turned to the others, 'I'm gonna try something'. She gave a reassuring smile before rushing after Brian.

Brian was right. Their slacking teacher didn't turn up to make sure they attended supplementary class.

However, the rest were more surprised to find themselves blessed with Dowoon's presence today. He was there in body, less so in spirit. Dowoon slept silently at the back of the room.

With his aggravating groupies stuck in self-study, minus an annoying teacher, Dowoon decided supplementary class is not half-bad – worthy of top marks on his peaceful places rating.

Sungjin was sat in front of Jae and Wonpil, tutoring them both together. He made sure to speak unnecessarily loud, in the hopes Dowoon might wake up.

Yet, he wouldn't go over and wake Dowoon up himself. Sungjin was scared that if he actively disturbed Dowoon, the guy might stop attending all together. Then they'd be back to square one.

In the back of Sungjin's mind, he contemplated ways of convincing Dowoon to be a tutor. Not knowing Dowoon very well, Sungjin found the task distinctively difficult.

'Why is your hair pink?'

Jae looked up from his textbook, a curious Wonpil staring back at him (or at his hair, to be precise).

'Why did you dye it that colour?' Wonpil asked with the inquisitiveness of a child.

'I uh- I just like it' Jae stuttered, a little bewildered by the sudden question. He wasn't lying, he wasn't telling the whole truth either.

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