Let Me Tell Ya A Secret

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Chiana basically ran down the halls of Moya. Today was the day Crichton and D'argo came back after they had been gone for a day or two down on a trading planet getting food and things needed. 

"D'argo!!!" Chiana shouts in excitement as she jumps onto his back attaching herself onto him like a leech. She missed him so much and was bored those days he off with Crichton.

"Chiana! I'm trying to unpack the transport pod will you get off!" 

"Jeez, big fella wanna be a little meaner? The lady's happy to see ya. Go and I'll have Aeryn assist me." Crichton kind of barks out but in a bit of a joking and playful way.

"Are you sure, Crichton?"


D'argo and Chiana then scurry off to D'argo's chambers.

"Aeryn!" He calls over the comms.

"What!!!" He hears Aeryn snapping back in an irritated voice.

"I need you to help me finish unpacking the transport pod."

"Why!? Where's D'argo!?"

"Are you alright, Aeryn?"

"Yes, Why do you ask?"

"You just seem a bit snappy."

"I am not..."

"Yeah you are!"

"No I am..."

"Just get your Peacekeeper but down here! NOW!"

Aeryn then storms down the halls of  Moya when she sees Chiana and D'argo doing things you shouldn't do unless the door is locked and closed.......and is just like frozen until Chiana yells at her.

"Yo! Aeryn! A little privacy!?" 

"Uh, Um...... Yeah....." Aeryn slowly breaks out of her like daze or whatever you'd call it when you see something that you want to look away from but just can't. She then continues down the halls.

"There you are! What took so long? I'm already finished unpacking." Crichton questions Aeryn as she stares at him kind of blankly and again dazed.

"Chiana...and..." Aeryn starts but pauses.

"Chiana and what?"

"And...D'argo in his chambers....."

"Ugh... Welcome to the club of seeing things ya don't wanna see."

"Tell me about it. It was awful."

"Trust me I know."



"Aeryn?" Chiana tries over the comms for the twelfth time now. She had been trying to get a hold of Aeryn forever now and still nothing.

"Chiana? I happened to notice you've been trying to get a hold of Officer Aeryn. Is there anything I can do?" Chiana hears Pilot's voice come over the comms.

"Do you know where she is, Pilot?"

"Let me check.....She's in the command room."

"Thank you, Pilot."

"Yo, Aeryn, I've been try'n to get a hold of ya for almost 3 arns now." Chiana approaches an Aeryn who seems busy fixing the controls.

"You have. I've had my comms shut off all day."

"Well can we talk?"

"What about? Make it quick though. I'm a bit busy in case you can't tell." Aeryn the rips out something on the control panel and Chiana jumps just a slight bit though.

"Do you remember like say three weeks ago...when you saw me and..."

Aeryn then freezes and looks up at Chiana very seriously and horrified, "How can I forget?" She says as sarcastically as possible and tilts her head at Chiana wondering where this is going.


"Just get to it already, Chiana!"

"Can you keep a secret?"

"Chiana, can't you tell someone else? I don't have time for this exchanging secrets crab! So go tell anyone else but me." Aeryn then goes back to what she was doing.

"I think I'm pregnant!"

Aeryn literally freezes and slowly looks up at Chiana shocked and just wow.....


"It can't be possible, right?" Chiana's voice shakes.


"No! Aeryn! You're suppose to tell me it's not possible!" She screams as her eyes well up with tears.

Aeryn then snaps out her frozen self and wraps her arms around Chiana just as she is about to collapse onto the floor, "Shh, It's okay," Aeryn tries to comfort her as she stokes her hair and hold her closely.

Rygel then comes into the control room, "What the frell!?!?!? This is no time to be crying we're in the middle of an asteroid field!!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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