continuous of the werid day

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        she stops rolls down her window it was her ex she hit the gas. It was on for them she was driving and driving and she started to run out of control. swerved off of the road and got out of her car and ran its was dark all she had was her phone and herself. she hid in the tall grass where no one could see her. he shined his flash light down on the tall grass but was not able to see her at all. She started to go on foot because there was a town a couple miles away from her. All she had was $40.00 in her pockets. But on her way to the town she was looking at the ground and she saw a 100 dollar bill. So she say a car on the side of the road she hot wired it and it had a full tank of gas.

so she got her phone call the police 


"911 what your emergency" 

"hi im in a field i got pushed off the road by my ex im in a car i found in the middle of it Can you guys help me?" 

" yes we are pinning your location right now stay on the line"

Then all of sudden someone came up behind her and started pushing her 

" ma'ma he found me again"

" stay in the car ma'ma we our sending someone right now they should be there any second"

that day she was rescued and what taken in human  protection so her name changed to jaxs. She had to start being a little safer and not going outside she started to a job 20 hours every two days.So she earned money to move to texas then she started living with guy she had been dating for a couple of months

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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