p r o l o g u e

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With swift movements, she pushed open the doors of a building holding the title of a prestigious guild. It was then that they had noticed her presence, merely because of how frail and weak she looked.

"Where's your master?" Her face pinched into a hollow expression, and her voice dreary. Men had roared with laughter but she ignored them all and asked the question again.

"You think you have what it takes to join this guild?" But she never did answer that question.

As the man propelled foreward (his fist coated with magic), she took a step back and watched him loose his balance. With ease, she dodged all of his attacks and his impatience grew of not getting a hit. She got tired of his constant failed attacks and used hand-to-hand combat to knock him unconscious.

"She didn't even use magic!" A man had shouted.

Before anyone could say anything else, a booming voice had entered the foyers, "Who the hell are you?" A tall muscular figure loomed over her own minute one, though she never was fazed.

"My name is Miyuu Kazue." Her voice dreary, and kept in a monotone. "I wish to join your guild."

"You've already proven yourself worthy," His eyes shift towards the unconscious man behind her, "Go get your crest." She obliged and received her guild mark short afterwards.

"You've displayed quite a feat in your performance— I'll remember it." A man with crimson-colored clothing gawked at the young woman in front of him.

A female with glossy dark-colored hair and dark-colored lips walked towards her. A thin smile aligned her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest. Walking towards the female, her smirk never fades.

"With skills like yours, you must be a formidable opponent." Her smirk widens, "Miyuu is it? My name is Minerva."

"M'Lady." The man in the crimson mask greets her.

She observed the way he slightly bowed in her presence, "With respect like that, you must be related to the guild master." Miyuu's dreary voice never leaves.

"Rufus, I would like a few moments alone with Miyuu here," And of course, he obeyed and went back to his usual doing. "Let's place a few ground rules shall we?" She dropped her hands to the sides, "First, if you ever tarnish the name of Sabertooth, you're thrown out of this guild. We don't need weaklings loitering around here. And lastly, you will be given high tasks sometime later in which you are to do without fail."

"Understood." Was the only word that escaped her rose-petaled lips.

"Good." She smirks once more. "You may take as many missions as you want." And with that, Minerva walks away where her father retreated to.

Quickly, she walked towards the request board and scanned it, only seeing missions that don't including something as low as finding a lost dog. All these missions went from defeating a dark guild to ravaging a giant beast.

Though she never did look at the information but rather the awards of the request paper. And finding one that satisfied her, Miyuu ripped it off the board and walked towards the bar to get it stamped.

And not once had she noticed that red eyes, filled with curiousity, followed her every move.

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