lesson eleven

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Of course, Phil was waiting in Dan's bedroom, ready to start another lesson. It was a routine, one that he enjoyed immensely. When Dan staggered into the room holding a tripod and a camera, he couldn't help but be confused.

"Why?" Phil asked, watching Dan stumble while setting everything up.

"I was thinking we could make a video!" Dan announced, turning the camera on. "You know, of us playing piano or something. Fans are practically begging us to make a video like this all the time."

"Oh," Phil flushed. He didn't know if he felt comfortable letting millions of people watch him play piano. And anyways, didn't Dan mention earlier how much he despised having people see him play?

"I thought you hated having people watch you play piano," Phil said, deciding to ask what was on his mind. "I mean, you freaked when I saw."

Dan blushed, making sure the space in front of the camera was perfect. "I think I've gotten over that, and I've gotten better at playing. Also, I haven't made a video in weeks, and I know this could hold the phandom off for a month or two."

When Phil didn't say anything, Dan gave him his best smile. "Please?"

Phil sighed, going to the mirror in the room to make sure he looked alright. "Fine."

Dan beamed, and after finishing setting up the lighting and camera, he looked through all their music. He didn't have any of this planned, as he just remembered it an hour ago. He may or may not have been stalking some fan accounts, and all they talked about was wanting to hear them play more piano.

When everything was ready, both boys sat at the piano. Dan almost burst into laughter upon realizing how many screenshots of this video there'd be—him and Phil were practically pressed against each other on the small bench. Choosing to ignore it, he got up and started recording.

He put on a cheery grin, staring up at the camera.

"Hello internet."

a/n: hhhhhhkillmesorrythiswasshortandtrash

ever so slowly im attempting to bring this story to a close

also i went to bible study today and there's this rlly cute && nice guy but he's like three years older than me and when you're in high school that's a big age difference smh

piano lessons // phan ((being rewritten))Where stories live. Discover now