chapter 3

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We sat there for hours waiting for Claire to open her eyes. We spent a lot of time hoping and praying. After awhile we gave up hope. We started to leave the room when I took one last final look back. There I saw Claire with her eyes wide open! "Guys come back! She's awake!" I yelled. The rest of the group came running back. They gathered around Claire and started hugging her. She took a minute to settle in......but.....then she relizes she's missing a little somthing and starts freaking out! "WHERE DID THE REST OF MY ARM GO?!?!?!?" Claire says clearly worried. "In the trash can....." Damon says as he points to were the trashcan is. She started crying a whole lot. We were trying to get her to quiet down but it took us a while. We explained the situation and she calmed down a bit. She was sweating and was in need of water, but we only had one bottle......we gave it to her and started heading out. We were thinking of weapons that Claire could use because of her, situation. We came up with a sword cuz it's the easiest thing to use with one hand. How we were going to get it, we didn't know how to do but we'll figure it out. ...........

We have to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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