chapter 5.

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there will be one last chapter after this one, I hope you like this one... 


Danika sat in the hard, cold seats of the police station, her hair still a mess from the scene in her lounge room before. Mathew sat next to Danika awkwardly.  The clock ticked loudly on the wall behind them. 

“Danni, what’s going on?” Greg burst through the police station doors with a pale looking Brad following behind. Danika seized up, memories of the phone call and fight flashed through her head.

Danika tried to say something but her voice box refused to work, Mathew saw this and quickly spoke up.

“We are not too sure yet, the Officer called her about half an hour ago. We only have been here for ten minutes.”

“And who the hell are you?” Greg questioned Mathew, wondering who he was with his wife.

“Mathew Johnson, I’m Danika’s co-worker, I came around to see if she was feeling better when the phone rang,” Mathew smiled at Greg, putting a hand out for him to shake. Greg took it and shook Mathew’s hand firmly.

Greg sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair roughly, his hand shaking violently. He was worried about his daughter, and didn’t like being in the dark when it comes to his children.

Brad sat next to his mother and grabbed her hand; the waiting room grew silent, the rain thudding heavily on the roof above.

Mathew stood up, stretching slightly and told the small group in the waiting room that he had better be off, knowing that this was a personal matter and that he didn’t want to get involved.

A few minutes after Mathew left Brad pulled his phone out and pulled up Facebook, hoping that he might find something posted on Facebook that would let him know what was going on.

He keyed in Jessica’s name into his search bar and waited for her profile to load. As he waited he looked over at his mother. He knew something was going on between his mother and father, and he was going to find out pretty soon.

He looked back down at his phone to see his sisters profile picture. His sister smiling happily with a drink in her hand, her boyfriend Luke kissing her cheek, this was taken at the house party last month, she had been acting funny ever since then.

He scrolled down her page and stopped at a status that made is hands shake violently, his face losing its entire colour.

Danika looked over at her son and frowned, what was wrong with him? As she went to ask what was wrong, a woman in an Officers uniform came out; her eyes glistened with a few unshed tears.

“Mr and Mrs Boston, I’m glad you could make it, if you could please follow me into my office, I need to discuss as few things with you,” Danika, Greg and Brad all removed themselves from the hard plastic seats and followed the woman before she stopped and turned around.

“I’m not sure if it’s the best thing if your son comes with us,”

“No, Brad is able to come, he is part of this family,” Greg cut in quickly. The woman nodded her head briefly and turned back around, walking quickly towards her office.

“Sit, sit, sit” The woman smiled and grabbed an extra chair for Brad, who was still as pale as a ghost.

“I have some bad news about your daughter, Jessica” The woman started, Brad froze in his place, he knew what he had read was true, tears started to form in his eyes as Officer Bentley continued.

“She was found in the park two hours ago, she had committed suicide. I am very sorry for your loss,”

Danika couldn’t believe what she was hearing, tears fell from her eyes as she hugged her husband, who was frozen with shock as she sobbed into his shirt.

Brad’s phone dropped to the floor, his suspicions were true. The tears fell from his eyes as he felt his heart being ripped in half.  His twin sister had taken away her life. He looked over at his mother, whose body was throbbing with each strangled cry that bellowed out of her mouth.  His father held onto Danika’s head, tears sliding down his cheek.

Officer Bentley stood up, unable to watch the scene before her. A tear slid down her cheek as she walked away from the broken family.

Danika looked over at her son and grabbed him by the arm, pulling him close to her body. She could feel the tears falling from her sons face slide down her neck, could feel his body racking with sobs as she pulled him closer, trying to protect him from what had happened.

Danika could feel the warm embrace of her husband pulling bother her and their son closer to him, and Danika had long forgotten what had happened with her husband that day.

Opening her eyes slightly she saw Brad’s phone on the floor, a picture of a smiling Jessica with her boyfriend Luke covered half the screen, looking closer she saw the same status that made her son dead inside.

“ I am so sorry for what I am about to do.”

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