685 Fischer-Hallman Rd

13 1 0

Warm Winter:

I felt her hand touch mine, it was clear she was growing increasingly distressed that I wasn't holding her hand yet. Although I was too nervous to reach out, she eventually grabbed mine and held it like I shouldn't have kept it from her for so long.

Dim Incandescent:

We were listening to her friend tell below par stories written online as we sat on her couch in the basement. She kept glancing at me, but I wasn't able to catch her. Her eyes darted away before I could even turn my head. Growing concerened I was doing something wrong I asked her what was going on. She said it was nothing and she was fine. I asked again, looking for a real answer but was greeted by the same wall. I shrugged it off and let do her thing ... After a few more minutes of this I once again asked what was going on, in a more serious voice this time. And for a third time it was to no avail. Now being slightly annoyed I started staring back at her, and judging her with my eyes everytime she stared back. By now I saw that she was blushing. I suddenly realized I knew what was going on, but I kept quiet to appear oblivious. I wasnt a very good liar, so she probably knew exactly what I was doing. Suddenly, she sat up and brought her lips to mine as she started kissing me for the first time. I heard her friend laugh in the background, but I ignored it and lived in this moment with ----. Then as suddenly as it started, her kiss abrutly came to an end as she timidly pressed herself back into her seat ...

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