Chapter One

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          The rusty red bell rang for class. It was just another ordinary day at school for me and my twin brother, Collin In Oxford, England. There was a test today but it wasn’t a problem for me, I’m an excellent student anyway. I squeezed past the other students in the hall quickly before it got too packed and I stepped in my class to see I wasn’t the first one there. It was that idiot, McKenzie Gilmour.

          I hated her. She thinks she’s the best but she’s really very pathetic, at least to me she is. I glanced in her way as I took my seat at the front. She had that same smug grin on her face, the one she always has whenever she looked at me. No wonder she was pure disgusting blonde. I’m not trying to be stereotypical but everyone I’ve met that is a pure blonde is always super dumb. I was wasting my thoughts on her so I cleared my head and traced my finger along the carvings and doodles on my desk that other students in the past had left. “I wonder who would be so irresponsible to create this mess”, I thought as more students filled the classroom.

          The teacher came in, “Hello class, as you all know, we have an exam today to test your knowledge on…” My heart leapt at the thought of the exam. I was really excited for my first exam (other than the Provincial Achievement Test in grade six). Now I’m in grade seven, and I can prove that I’m so much better that that McKenzie Gilmour by getting a better score that her, or the best, either one is fine for me. The teacher handed out the test papers and started the timer.

          School was over in what seemed like minutes. I glanced at my watch as I stepped outside the school building. The dial shone in the faint sunshine as  red, orange and gold autumn leaves danced with the wind which was whirling around the trees. Autumn was my favourite season. I admired the beauty of nature as I walked back home alone since my brother was going to his friend’s house. I got out my house’s keys, they clanged against each other, creating a jingling melody. I swung the door open. No one.

          I grabbed some snacks and headed to my room. “Gosh it’s so quite…”, I mumbled to myself. Too quite. There’s only ones solution to this. I blasted some music by my favourite singers such as Melanie Martinez, Charlie Puth and Taylor Swift.

One hour later~

          My parents were finally home, Collin came a little while later. My mum told me that we were going to down town tomorrow since it was the weekend and Collin and I deserved a break after the hard work we put in to the exam. We spent some time on our electronics, ate food and fell asleep after we changed clothes. It was the same boring routine every day. I wish something interesting could happen for once.

          The car honked several times. “I’M COMING, JUST A SEC!”, I shouted grabbing my gold Michael Kors purse. I busted out the door, my brother behind me locked the door. We got settled in the car and put some music, my parents tried to sing the lyrics but failed miserably. In an hour we were in down town.

          We were checking out lots of stores for a few hours. I was outside, enjoying the breeze while my parents and brother were in a shop I had no interest in. Then all of a sudden, I heard some snickering in a distance. Like the overly curious person I was, I followed the noise. My parents and Collin were going to take a long time anyway, I might as well entertain myself.

          The noise was coming from a dump where there was unbearably smelly garbage. I saw two men wearing black, they were talking, not knowing that I was also there, “I can’t believe we finally got it! The boss will be so pleased!” I came a little closer to hear more clearly but instead I tripped on a rock. It was at this moment, I knew I was so dead. That was not sarcastic.

          The two men shot there heads towards me and grabbed me by the wrist. ‘LET ME-“, I started but one of the men held a gun to my head. “Shut it, kid, if you don’t want to die.”, the one with the black hair said, brusquely. “We even got a lab rat.”, said the red head. Then he stabbed a dart into my pale skin, I guessed it was a sleeping dart. I felt ropes wrapping around me, I tried to wake up but it didn’t work. My face was cold as the snow of Canada as my heart was pounding. I didn’t know what was going to happen next…

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