hello there

31 1 21

hello there, this is Chess and well hi. *stands there awkwardly saying hi to all of the thousands of people (note the sarcasm) reading this.* anyway so as the description and the title say, this is a random book i guess. oh wow here i am trying to make this look all aesthetic by using lower case... not really working though....

anyway yeah, it will also probably include some chapters where BekBird (I'm not sure what you want to be called!) and i are having arguments about what is better, Percy Jackson or Magnus Chase. so do let us know which is your favourite in the comments... but a hint, (Magnus Chase is better) *winks dramatically.* also if there are any potterheads out there, come and say hi! we won't bite! much.......


_cheshire_bird_ = Chess

BekBird = Erm what do you want your nickname to be Bek? Bird? Ami?

 ❝whimsical❞ //a random book//Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum