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All of is us were at the archery spot ready to try archery. We were all gathered around watching Hollywood shoot the arrow and when he did, bullseye. I went and congratulated him and Delroy announced that it was twilight's turn to shoot.

Twilight's pov

She congratulated him for a lucky shot. Delroy said that it was my turn to shoot I will show her.
I went up and got in my form to shoot. I shot my arrow and ......

Regular POV

It split through Hollywood's arrow. I went up to him and hugged him it was a awesome shot. "Can you help me shoot please?" I asked and of course he said yes. He lined my feet up so that I was in my stance. He put  put his hands on mine and pit put them on the bow and arrow. I pulled the arrow back and released and got a bullseye. I turned around and hugged him. "Thank you." I said And th3n we went back to the cabin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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