Coma/im alive???

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Louis p.o.v

"There's no way I'm leaving her"

I repeated to Paul"no not like his it's been 7 weeks I can't no I ca-"

I finished saying then I got cut off by.....ja-ade

"Louis it's ok,im ok"i said after what felt like 13 years

"Jade your alive, finally"i said in a shock cause she was in a 7 week coma

"I wanna go home Lou"I would want to go home after a coma,its a really stupid bed so uncomfortable,gives me the hibby jibbys

"Ok I'll go talk to the nurse"

I went to go to the nurses staiton and I went to the one part and asked for a nurse I finally got one after 6 minitues I got nurse Jessica

We took the elevator and went to the sixth floor and we walked in the door

"Ok jade how are ya feeling" the nurse said

She hooked up jade to an Iv thin and blah blah blah blah blah

"Ok sweetie I'm going to get dr.James"

Couple minitues go bye and dr.james finally came

"Ok your leg healed but you have bruises you are going to be sore like a women after birth but that will be about 7-10 days, at least so I'm going to put you on a special diet like anything soft like,popsicles,icecream and you know and here are the papers and all that stuff, you can go home after miss.hoffs and mr.tomlinson signs this paper"mr.james says

We both scurry to a pen and signed

"Ok be back in 7 days"" and mr.Tomlinson can I speak with you, Jessica can you help jade pack her stuff thank you"

"Ok I took ultra sounds and I saw this like baby form of thing in her stomach and I don't understand"mr.james said

"Well I'm not going in details but like when she wasn't in a coma, so yeah, how far?"i replied soooooo happy

" 12 days and in 3 months or so I can see the gender" I'm super soooooo super happy

"Jades ready"

For a girl. That was in a coma for a week she can walk a tiny bit good still needs work but she was wearing black roots sweats and my baggy sweater that said 'Nike'

And it was black words with a yellow sweater


(Time jump;3 months)

Jades p.o.v

"Louis hurry up we're going to be


"Coming babe"

After 3 months of me knowing I was pregnant and I knew that before I went in a coma but ya know

Louis got me room re-done its now a baby room but nothing in it yet I'm sleeping with Louis


Once we get to the hospital

We did the ultra sound and I did not want to know the gender of the baby but louis did so the doctor wrote it down and louis jumped up and yelled OMG I must get the room ready oh boy,hes a pain in my arse "louis shut up please"

I heard a muffled ok ok sheesh

"Lets go home" I said



hey my readers

Please I'm begging you to read my book and tell your friend about my book please I need lots of reader please an COMMENT VOTE AND AND SHARE

Love ya bits, oh and I'm going to put funny real life facts about me and my life and they will be called 'bemmachild fact' ok and add me on kik,



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