Chapter 3

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"Faryal? What if I said I really liked you?" Jalal said.

"I wouldn't believe you."

"What? Why?"

"How can you like someone like me?   I am worthless and not good enough. Everyone hurts me and leaves me in the end..."

"Faryal, Don't say that! You're not worthless and don't underestimate yourself, you are more than good! And I promise you I will never hurt you and never leave you, okay?"

"Okay." I smiled.

I sincerely loved him. I didn't believe that you have to be in a relationship to love each other. I didn't believe in the idea of relationships. I believed that you could truly love each other and stay commited without the gf or bf label.

He made me feel so loved and important that I forgot about all the bad things I went through in life. I used to be so depressed but now everyone could see the change in me. I was the happiest I had ever been. He promised me he would stay by my side forever.



"Faryal? Beta (child) wake up it's time for Fajr prayer!" My mom wakes me up gently.

"Ah yes! Thank you mom!"

"Are you alright? You seemed like you didn't have a good dream." She says worriedly.


"You kept mumbling things and kept saying no."

"Oh...must have been a bad dream I don't remember." I hate when I get dreams of the past.

"Alright beta now get up, offer your prayers."

"Yes mom!" I smile and get up to pray.

After I offer my prayers I usually go walking outside with Baba. But since he isn't feeling well he doesn't accompany me and I go and give our Labrador dog "Levi" a walk.

As I am walking surrounded by the beautiful Margalla hills, my mind wonders again...

"Faryal..." Jalal said worriedly.

"Yes? Is everything okay?"

"I need to say something important..."

"Yeah...?" I got worried.

"We can't be together..."

"What?" I was left shocked.

"Faryal, listen carefully."

"But you said-"

"Faryal I know your parents won't approve me."

"But you didnt even try and-"

"I know and that's not the main issue."


"I told you remember that I will be joining the army soon?"


"Faryal I thought about it a lot. I don't want to leave anyone behind. I don't wanna hurt you ever and you know the army is dangerous and if something happens you will be so hurt and I can't let that happen. I don't want to keep you waiting for me. And it's best that we don't stay like that cuz I can't let anything hurt you."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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