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The people of Septentria felt like brainless chickens. In Zorya's head, that was exactly what they were.

All of them, with no discrimination on any basis, stood with their eyes wide and mouth hanging open. It wasn't everyday an eleven-year old girl committed patricide with the whole country as witness.

Zorya counted in her head like she had been taught to by her tutor. One, two, three.

She heard a booming laugh from the crowd. It came from a tall man standing at the very back. He pushed people away and made for himself a path to the front. He walked along and stopped before the dead king. He took off the dark cloak he was wearing.

A cacophony of gasps echoed from the crowd. The man was wearing the coat of arms of the Immortal alliance. He chuckled at their dramatic reactions. When he saw Zorya's lack of one, he laughed harder.

"I didn't think you'd kill him." He said.

"Consider it a welcome present." She replied.

He laughed again.

Her hand twitched with the urge to crumple his face until all that remained were the remains of his ugly, large nose. She dropped the sword. She'd worked so hard to gain the people's attention, and now this absolute idiot from a miniscule empire had upstaged her. She wanted to watch his blood mix with her father's, fertilising the soil.

She faced her people once again.

"This was the only way to save the Kingdom. My father was not a worthy ruler anyways. With his dethronement begins the new ally-ship forged between Septentria and the Immortal alliance."

She did not pause to let her words settle in their heads.

"As rightful heir to the throne, my brother, his highness Ivanovo Volodya, will be your new king."

She pulled off the crown from her dead father's head and rubbed off the small drop of blood staining it. She walked to her brother. He bent forward to accommodate for her height. She placed the crown on his head and gently pecked his forehead.

The messenger from the Immortal alliance was the first to cheer.

"Long live King Ivanovo!"

The people were silent for a moment too long. They were contemplating the happenings of the past hour. They were quickly convinced, however, when they noticed Princess Zorya's sharp eyes narrowing.

"Long live the King!"

"Long live Princess Zorya!" They chanted.


The people had returned to their homes with eagerness. They did not care to know of how Zorya managed to ally with the Immortals. Let sleeping dragons lie, indeed.


Inside the palace, the newly crowned King was sitting on the throne. Zorya sat perched on his lap, playing with his crown.

The messenger stood before them trying in vain to grab their attention. He cleared his throat enough times to leave it sore.

"Princess Zorya." He sounded impatient.

The princess smirked, and finally looked at him, eyes amused.

"I must state the terms of our ally-ship, as a gentle reminder to your Highness."

"Then do what you came here to do." It was Ivanovo that spoke. He did not like his sister's eyes on another man, and her twitching lips were of no amusement to him. He ran his fingers through her hair in an effort to calm himself.

The messenger scrolled open a parchment, and began to read.

"The Immortal alliance offers to the Kingdom of Septentria its protection and friendship, as a tribute to the newly crowned King, His Majesty Ivanovo, and to the beautiful Princess, Her Royal Highness Zorya.

"The Princess will be wed to a Prince of the alliance, binding both nations eternally through marriage."

Ivanovo, who was staring at his sister in awe before, felt gutted. He would never agree to this marriage. If that meant war, so be it. He stood up. Zorya, who was still sitting on his lap, would have fallen to the ground if she hadn't already anticipated his reaction and jumped up to her feet.

Indeed, everything was going right according to her plan.

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