First Update

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As you know if you have read or checked out Project B.I.R.D. It is the shortest story I have come out with. As you hopefully also know The Revoschooltionary War is the longest book I have come out with. I want to know your opinions do you like longer stories that take longer to read or shorter stories that are speedy and easier to read. I also want to inform you this is KID FRIENDLY so no swares, bad language, graphic pictures, or any inappropriate nonsense... Anyways I will be on a vacation for a little bit so there might be any new stories for a while. Who knows though I could get new ideas for a story over that time.... I'm going on the vacation as I'm writing this so I might not publish it for a while. I hope there will be wifi there.... Still if I get wifi I might give you updates of what I've been doing but not where since I don't want to give away my location since it is only a two hour drive away from where I live. Anyways mr friend gave me a story idea which was exactly like one of my ideas.... Mine I thought was a little bit better cause I'd be able to connect all my stories together using it. I am going to write both renditions of it anyways.... I hope you enjoyed this update and see ya soon...! I just got wifi... LOL

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