WHY? Chapter 1

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{flashback} 10 years ago

"Mama,.... do you think big brother will be okay?" I was in the hospital standing next to my brother who i thought was sleeping. ".....""mama?"the doctor had come in and said something to my parents that i didn't understand. "Quiet y/n!" I jumped at her sudden voice. mother were crying for some reason and father's expesion had become dark.

{7 years ago}

'I missed my brother but he wasn't coming back, so what's the point of crying over it? My parents scream at me almost every day that im 'heartless' because i didn't cry over my brother death. Yet they don't know i have and im trying to move on. They always seem to say something about me to try and hurt me but their words have lost all meaning to me. Yelling and screaming are the only things i can hear when they're home most of the time.' "Y/n go to your room, im sick of telling you to wear more pastals!" 'Mother is always trying to get me to wear bright colors and get rid of anything dark but why can't they just accept it, i mean this is a part of who i am, but then again they've always trying to get me to be someone else. Why can't they just accept me for who I am?'

{End of flashback}

(Your prov)

I was hiding in my room as usual as my drunken parents banged on my door telling me to come out " (Y/n) cume owt NoW!!!" Mother said; soon after my brother died of the accident my parents went insane. They've always thought that i was a disappointment but after his death everything just got worse.

my day usually go's like this, wake up, hide under the bed, wait for them to go to work, get ready fast, go to school, come home, run to my room, lock the door, hide on in my closet, and hope they don't get in. But sometimes they do, and when they find me they start beating me ,cutting me,throwing me, and screaming at me. They say things Like ' yur worthless! Die! I wish i never gave birth to you! You're a waste life ! Piece of shit! Monster! Freak! Just kill yourself already! Youur just a mistake that should have been taken care of long ago!'

this is my life...... I wish they would leave me alone. Why can't they just accept me.......i know I wear black......i know im different......but why....what's wrong with being different....... what did i do to deserve this? Why do they all hate me? .......... i cant help the fact that I was born. So why do you hate me... 'if this is what my life will be like then why should i stay here?'

I went to the bathroom and grabbed a razor from my sink and started cutting....1......'why'.....2......'Why'.....3.....'WHy'......4.......'WHY CANT I JUST DIE!?! I did NOTHING to deserve this so WHY!!!'....5.........'Why'.....6.......'what did i do wrong'.....7.......'am i a mistake'......8.........'if this is what my live is going to be like'....9...........'i don't want to be alive anymore'.....i noticed that blood was starting to get everywhere so i got up to get some napkins, but before i could get them my parents had gotten through the door. I started to panic and tried to run to my bathroom but i was cought by my father i screamed for help. He laughed and throw me on the floor. Mother started kicking me in the stomach and father got a belt from my dresser and started hitting me. After a while of struggling to get free of them i vomited blood and with a last kick i passed out from blood loss.

(No one's prov)

Y/N woke up in a garbage can behind a building. she shivered from a cold gust of wind, she slowly get out trying not to stumble and carefully made her way to a bench, sat down, and tried to remember where she was and tried not to think about how she had gotten there and the pain she was feeling. After a while she couldn't stop the tears from coming down. It started pouring rain lost and scared she wobbled her way to an old building and started to knock on the door but it opened so she looked around the place to ask someone if she could stay here for a bit. after a while she had gotten extremely Tired so she just went to a desk with a strange book on it and slept on it. But she didn't position herself right and started to fall but was cought by something.

(Bendy's prov)

I've been watching this girl for awhile now and she seems to be looking for something. After awhile she went to the desk with the book and passed out but then she started to fall so i cought her. Suddenly i noticed that she had cuts on her rists and bruses all over her body. I decided to take her somewhere else so i took her to my room set her down my somewhat made bed and bandeged her. After that i was tired so i layed down next to her and fell sleep. 'I wonder why she's here...'

///( A/N )///
sorry if it's short or rushed im typing on my phone so if you see a mistake im sorry. Also thi is my first story and the lemon will be at near the end of the story. 743 words. See you soon !

Crimson Scarlett, out !!👿

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