Chapter 1, The beginning.

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        "I'm a pirate!" I projected into the dimmed theater and Gen shook her head in defeat, causing her hair to sway back and forth in response. She did it in a cute way that would of made me smile if I wasn't so completely retarded. Then I searched around the new, strange, place, and to see that  everyone is staring at me like I was a alien, welp I am a alien, in fact I'm infected. You know those things that eat people and have a animal tails and ears.

"I'm watching a movie!" I said to a wall. I smiled like a child, making Gen groan.

"You aren't watching a movie if you don't have your eyes on the screen." Austin, her boyfriend, rubbed up and down her arm. I growled under my breath. I hate him so much. All he is doing is using Gen but Gen won't see it! Then that leads into the fact that I love her. I love her with all of my heart and soul but she won't love me back! It fucking hurts to see her love someone else than me!

Anyways, I made one of my eyes look at the screen thingy as my other eyes does whatever it wants.

"OOOOOOOOOOoooooooo! Pretty colors!" I screamed as a rainbow appeared.

"What are you talking about? It's fucking black and white!" Gen said while my tongue stuck out on the side of my mouth, and one of my eyes were looking north west as the other one was looking south. I stood up and bitch smacked Austin for no reason. Just felt like it.

"I have a tail!" I yelled before licking my arm.

"Ugh. Why are we babysitting her?" Austin asked. Asshole.

"You are not babysitting me! You are admiring me. OH MY GOSH! I USE BIG WORD!" I yelled happily.

"What are-" Austin was interrupted.

"I'm a pirate!" I yelled as my hat fell a little to the left. 

"Okay," Gen said raising a eyebrow.

"Shh!" I shushed Gen by putting my index finger over her mouth. "Pickles.." I said pickles but actually I meant to say Magic. Close enough.

I kissed her hand and bowed like how Ruth does to Naomi sometimes. Gen pulls her hand away from me and kissed Austin. I feel kinda upset Gen is taken. I mean... I love her and she knows that.

I dashed for outside because Austin was starting to annoy me. The cool breeze brought me chills and The sleepy sun was just over the horizon. The beauty was breath taking but it would be more breath taking if Gen was here. Her dark, black hair with her goth cap, and her blue, beautiful eyes along with her white and gray stripped shirt. Her gray, short skirt and her kitty slippers. Then the two budder buttons on her hat. Even her flaws are beautiful. Her beauty would complete it all.

But Austin had to ruin it. He ruined everything! I wish she could see how much of a jerk face he is! He had tried to seduce me many times also! Do you know how wrong that is? To seduce your girlfriend bestest friend in the world? It's fucking wrong! But is it okay to actually think Austin is a douche but is kinda hot? I mean like who would think he is hot? He looks so fucking emo! Emo guys are hot! I know. I'm crazy. Well he's not my type and never would be. Fuck him.

Soon the Manor for The Infected's woods appeared. I just need to follow the path of stone, and then I'll see the Manor. Finally. I feel like my feet are about to fall off.

I opened the door to the manor and screamed, "I'm home!"

Ruth ran into the front room, screamed something I didn't quite understand, and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Ruth! I'm dying!" I managed to choke out. She pulled away making her red, vibrant hair look like its being dragged. Which it is. I'm not saying her hair isn't being dragged. Her head is dragging it right?

"My heart is warmed Ruth, but you don't have to hug me so tight." I said letting my eyes derp.

"I still don't understand your statement 'My heart is warm.'" Ruth exclaimed annoyingly.

"Bloop." I smile and giggled. Ruth looked confused so I just ran up the stairs and saw Hunter. 

"Emily!" Hunter squealed. "You're home!" He jumped up and down happily.

"Thank god I'm home." I said going into my room. Ruth said something from down the stair, it sounded like a 'your welcome' but I'm still not sure with that women. I slowly noticed Hunter followed me into my room. Not a surprise. Hunter is like my gay friend but he isn't gay. He likes me. It's his fault for dumping me when I was human. He has gray hair with a tint of blue and he wears red and black. He was a bad boy when I met him, but I turned him into a softy.

"So Emi," Hunter paused for a bit so he can lay in bed next to me, "What were you doing?"

"Watching Gen and Austin make-out. Which isn't a good sight if you ask me." I said.

"You're serious. Whats wrong?" He asked yet another question.

"You know I love Gen right? I mean who doesn't know." I play with my golden/budder, locks/hair.

"I didn't know." Hunter said in shock. "In fact I thought you were straight." My not so gay, Gay friend grumbled.

I laughed, "I'm bisexual Hunter. Don't get your panties in a twist."

"I bet it's just a phase." The Jackass claimed.

"Maybe." I stated. "Well I'm going out for a walk, bitch." I got up and slowly walked to the wooden door. I grabbed the handle and left my room. 

I went outside to find the moon watching me as I walked. Many stars are shown but are being covered by the trees. There was no clouds so while I was walking the full moon gave me light for me to see the trail. Soon I saw the playground at the end of the forest, leading into the humans habitat. A place where I use to live. I walked over to the swings to find a boy. A boy with bright orange hair. He had black and gray clothes with a yellow fox tail and yellow fox ears. He was infected.

"Hey." he said noticing me.

"Ello. I'm Emily." I smiled.

"I'm Alex."

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