As soon as they enter Dan's room Phil flops on to his bed.
"Could you turn the lights off? My eyes hurt."
Dan looked worriedly at the long thin fingers pressing into Phil's eyelids as an attempt to dull out the pain. He then turned the lights off and closed the door.
"Why are you standing awkwardly 10 meters away from your bed?"
Dan obeyed, walking towards the bed as he tried to picture how Phil was lying so he didn't accidentally sit on him.
"What's going on, Phil?"
"Just things. Family things. Parents being pissed I'm failing high school things"
"Oh" Dan didn't have a better reply. If Phil was his son he'd be pissed at his results too.
"I'm not an idiot I know I'm not doing great but could you please for fucks sakes chill out? I could be out doing drugs or kid napping people. All I'm doing is sitting around in my room and drawing the prettiest boy I know is that really so fucking horrible of a thing to do?"
"Don't apologize for this Daniel I swear I'll hit you"
Something about Phil's tone shut Dan up. They stayed in the silence for a while. Phil's ragged breaths echoed his frustration while Dan's nervous breathing was barely audible. After what seemed to Dan an eternity, a cold hand softly grazed his thigh.
"Can I stay over? I know it's a school night and-" His voice was low and tired now, almost pitiful.
"Yeah no it's fine"
Dan reached out to squeeze Phil's hand, trying to reassure him.
"I haven't slept in atleast 48 hours"
"Go ahead. I'll go bring a sleeping bag, I don't mind the floor"
Dan felt the bed shift as Phil abruptly sat upright.
"...why what?"
"Why would you sleep on the floor?"
"Sleep with me." Dan could here the pleading in his voice.
"My bed isn't big enou-"
"I won't take up much space, I promise"
Dan smiled at the urgency in the way Phil spoke.
Phil lied back down and scooted towards the wall.
"Is this enough spa-"
"Stop fidgeting Phil" Dan took his hand and pulled him closer. "It's perfect"
Phil edged closer, draping an arm around Dan, his head grazing the boy's shoulder.

As the tired boy drifted to sleep, Dan couldn't help drown in the guilt of being the cause of Phil's disgraceful grades and now unhappy home.


I leave for university in three hours and my orientation is tomorrow and I am absolutely freaking out and am very sad about leaving all my friends.
so here is a shitty chapter for y'all bye.

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