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              Andrea woke up and realized that she hadn’t taken the aspirin from Fabian when he went to get it. She saw it placed on the bedside table and looked around the room to make sure that she hadn’t dreamt the whole of yesterday-she was still in Lavender Heaven- she sighed and stood up her first thought was to go and talk to Fabian. As she walked out of the room, she smelt baking and heard Fabian’s deep sexy laughter and she blushed. Why did he have this effect on her, and her own boyfriend Edward hardly ever made her feel this way? She walked downstairs slowly and then heard a lighter voice laughing and squealing. Obviously very excited about something. Farina she thought. When she walked into the kitchen she saw Fabian leaning into the oven with a mitten on. His broad back stretched out. “Hey there” the female voice said looking at Andrea obviously wondering why she was here. Andrea’s jaw dropped at the sight of the girl. She was so small and very pretty. Her blonde shoulder length hair, her light skin, her big brown eyes, her chubby cheeks. She looked like they had cut her right out of a magazine. Geez this girl was PERFECT. Fabian was already standing beside the girl. Andrea was about to say you must be Farina when Fabian spoke. “Morning Andrea, this is Diamond” he said smiling. So this was the Diamond that wasn’t his type. Andrea suddenly felt jealous of the girl. Nobody is this pretty, then she realized that the girl was already talking and this was all she could get “….you don’t speak?”

Andrea smiled apologetically “I do, sorry. Nice to meet you”. Diamond smiled back. Fabian started talking again “We’re baking a cake for Diamond’s mom…”

“Yeah” Diamond cut in “She turns 43 tomorrow but don’t ask for her age, she’ll probably remove ten years from her real age” she said laughing- her laugh was the cutest

“You should join us Andrea” Fabian said but he was obviously being courteous because they were already done with the first cake and the second one looked like only one person could finish it up. Andrea shook her head “I’m good thanks.” She turned to Fabian “I just wanted to ask where exactly where my phone was”. Diamond looked confusingly from Fabian to Andrea “Am I missing something?”

Fabian looked at Diamond “No” then at Andrea “How bout I meet you in your room. I’ll be there in a bit”. Almost immediately, Andrea turned and started leaving. From behind her she could hear Diamond talking “When were you going to tell me about her” then the rest was all faded. She got to her room or Farina’s room. She felt so stupid. She actually thought Fabian was attracted to her just because he was nice. Diamond suited him anyway, both were so perfect. By the way, this shouldn’t even get to her cause she had a boyfriend that loved her and she loved him too so she was going to keep all her focus on him. Fabian knocked lightly and entered without waiting for an answer “Hey there” he said copying Diamond’s tone then shook his head. “Sleep well?” he said bending in front of a low drawer. Andrea sat with her leg crisscrossed on the bed “Yeah, thanks”. Then he brought out her Iphone but didn’t hand it to her “Screen cracked in your, um, accident so I had it replaced”

“Thanks” She said stretching her hand towards him

He didn’t hand it to her “What do you think of Diamond?”

Why was he asking her and why did she feel the need to say something bad? I think that she’s perfect and without even trying she makes me feel insecure and I think she was made for you and you two will fall in love sooner or later and get married and it will be a happy ending with perfect children and a perfect generation and there is no sense in why you’re being nice because you’ll just make me like you and then end up breaking my heart because you’ll realize that Diamond is your soul mate. “She’s really pretty” she said.

He handed her the phone “Well two of you are gonna be out today. She’s going shopping with you”

Andrea stilled “Do we have to go today?”

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