They Will Join us

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Vader's POV

Vader sighed after he slammed the door to Obi-Wan's cell shut. That man always knew how to get under his skin, even after all of these years. After the loss of Padmé, he had lost it. Destroying everything in the room. So when he found out his former master and padawan had been captured he'd been eager to turn them as well. However, they were proving to be more stubborn than Vader had originally anticipated and his master was growing impatient.

Vader had a plan, though. He just hoped it was finished before Sidius gave the order to execute them.

Vader activated his comm. "What's the progress?"

"We're finished, Lord Vader," the female scientist's voice came back through the comm. It was crackling from a poor connection, and the scientist's voice was shaking. Just like everyone else Vader talked to these days.

"Good," Vader replied. "Be prepared for my arrival in ten minutes." He disconnected the call before signaling troopers from his 501st to move the prisoners down to the other detention center. Making sure to specify that they were to be kept separate. Together they gave each other hope, and right now he wanted them as hopeless as possible.

Vader turned to go down to meet them when his comm activate. "What?" Vader growled when he answered it.

"Lord Vader," the officer on the other side answered. It was an officer he's dealt with a lot. They sounded more bored than terrified of his anger. "Emperor Palpatine is on the line for you."

Vader growled. "Tell him I'll be right there," he replied. He disconnected the call before the officer could reply. He turned on his heel and stalked to the secure room he used to communicate with his master. Sidius couldn't give the order to kill them now. He was so close. So close to showing Ahsoka and Kenobi the power of the dark side.

*  *  *  *  *

Vader knelt in the center of the room once the door closed, shutting him in darkness besides the dim lights that lit the catwalk. Once he knelt the room lit up with his master's hologram.

"Lord Vader," Sidius said, his voice echoing through the chamber. "Have you made any progress with Kenobi and Tano?" His voice sounded like his patients was coming to an end.

"Yes, My Lord," Vader replied. "Our scientists have come up with a way to ensure their loyalty to you and the dark side." He kept his head down, hoping his master would allow him to go along with his plan.

"So nothing beyond speculations?" Sidius asked. Vader knew it was a rhetorical question and kept quite. "Don't you think I've been patient enough with your little venture? Kenobi and Tano are your last links to Skywalker. And their value is becoming more in question as they continue to resist you."

"They are persistent in their belief that the light side will save them," Vader agreed. "But I have come up with a way that will break their resolve and ensure their loyalty to us, and ensure the loyalty of all force users after them."

That sentence seemed to peak Sidius' interest. "You will give me an army of force users?" He asked, disbelief coloring his voice along with the cold calculation Vader had gotten used to.

"Yes, my Master," Vader replied. He didn't hope to get his hopes up that his Master would give him the time he needed to implement his plan. "And once the rest of the remaining Jedi bow to you, there will be no one left that can stand in your way. Your power over the galaxy will be absolute."

There was a moment of silence while Sidius contemplated his idea. "You have one more rotation, Lord Vader," Sidius finally said. "If you cannot turn them in that time you are to terminate their lives. Is that clear?"

"Crystal, Master," Vader replied, trying not to show how giddy that answer made him. The hologram disappeared, leaving him in darkness again. Vader rose to his feet. He turned on his heel and marched back down the catwalk toward the door. Soon, very soon, Kenobi and Ahsoka would join him again. And together, there would be no one who could stop him.



So what exactly is Vader going to turn Ahsoka and Obi-Wan?? He seems pretty confident that it's going to work. 

Sorry for the short chapter.


~ Jesse

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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