wHaTs SlEeP

17 3 20

i OnLy KnOw CoNsTaNt ExHaUsTiOn

i was supposed to read two books today and i didn't read either and i only read the sparknotes for one hhhHHHHHHH

why am i like this someone scold me maybe i'll get my shit together (hA who am i kidding that's never gonna happen)

i haven't gotten to catch up on any sleep at all this weekend like i wanted to so that's fucking great

we had to go to dinner tonight with one of my mom's clients and some of her coworkers and i'm too old to go play with the little kids but too young to engage in conversation with the adults so i was just kinda sitting at the end of the table eating nachos the whole time

yay for being antisocial

i am legit so tired rn like my entire body is a c h i n g for rest but i don't wanna go to sleep bc i'm problematic as hell lmao

i wanna start writing a fic soon but like can't ever commit to one so idk if that will happen especially with all this fucking homework i've been getting :))))))

once again there was a point to this but i forgot what it was

i finished riverdale!! i won't talk about it here bc spoilers but i'm v proud of myself bc that means i'm up to date w a show for once wowie what an accomplishment. i'm very excited for the next season tho whoop whoop

the eclipse was a fucking disappointment, 2/10 at best, it got kinda dim outside but like that's it???? wtf???? once in a lifetime occurance my left ass cheek

i hope you all got to enjoy it though i heard it was p cool with the fancy goggles so ye

wish me luck with this upcoming week of hell!! my mom's friend who we are v close to is having baby this friday!!!! i'm so excited ahhh and then we go to see ed sheeran next tuesday so lots of things (not really) boutta be happening

i love you all and goodnight!! sleep well :)

song: cruising california by the offspring (i didn't put recommendation bc idk that i would recommend it exactly but its stuck in my head send help)

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