Year 2017

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Bruce was sitting down reading a book. He had Blonde curly hair and a skinny body.
Then suddenly a portal opened and another him appeared.
Bruce from future: Stop I'm you from the future and I'm here to warn you that-
Another Bruce came
Bruce 3: Stop don't listen he's an evil clone of you.
Bruce: What
Bruce 2: He's lying he's the evil clone.
Then another Bruce came and he was a girl
F-Bruce: I'm the female clone of Bruce and they're both evil.
Bruce: how many clones are there?
They three clones respond: 100
Later, the room is filled with different Bruce's. Bruce got his time watch and traveled back in time to his self working on cloning.
Bruce: Stop don't do cloning.
Bruce past: You won't stop me this idea will work.
Bruce: Well it was worth a shot now time for an actual shot.
Bruce pulled out a gun and shot his past self.
Bruce: Shouldn't I disappear. Nah that's not how time works it...
Bruce then pulled out the book of laws of time.

Times weird Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora