analogical brotp

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Motherly!Logan headcannon because Y E S.
It should be known that this is highkey inspired by CHAOS

also TW: panic attack and Princey being a d***

☹✴♡ Stay safe ♡✴☹


"Come on hottopic, you have less feelings than Logan!" Princey said frustrated with his opposite.
"Princey! That's not nice! Apologize to both of them now." Dad hated when they were mean to his dark strange son but seriously Logic too!
"It's fine dad, just leave it alone."
This was a warning signs for panic attacks.
1. Outbursts of emotions
2. Trying to 'disappear' or seem smaller.
3. Avoiding eye contact

"Virgil, are you ok-"
"Im fine."
"Kiddo, do you want to... take a break?"
"Dad! Thank you for your concern but I don't want to do this in front of everyone!" everyone went silent. "I'll take a break if it makes you feel better." Patton knew very well that Virgil just showed all three signs of a panic attacks, and he, as the only parental figure Anxiety ever knew, didn't want to leave him alone.
"Yeah, JDelightful, bail on us... again."
That was it Logan was even extremely upset with Roman. He saw Virgil as a young, independent person; but he still felt the need to protect him. He knew Anxiety would act like he doesn't care but Logic, being, well logic, notice how his breathing would change. "Roman that is quite enough." Logan growled, nobody knew what was happening. Patton would explain it as ' a momma bear protecting her cub', see Virgil only knew Patton as a father like figure and Logan as another father, or Anxiety would say mom knowing it annoys him, figure. "Logan, you don't have to..." Anxiety mumbled "Yes, I do."
"Why do you? Its not like you care for him Logan!"
"And why is that?!?"
Anxiety was a ball now; the shouting was hard enough, but know he caused it was so much worse.
"Because you don't understand what it even means to care!"
In the mix of tears and unstable breathing Virge could hear Roman say such horrible things to Logan! Anxiety never had role models but he knew that he saw Logan the same way he saw Patton.
"Roman, shut up." The intellectual trait said very suddenly and quietly.
"Excuse me?"
"I said, 'shut up' Roman!" In one swift movement he was by Anxiety's side not touching him yet as he calmed him down. Soon after Anxiety was hugging (falling asleep on) Logan.
Princey never once dared even saying another comment with Logan in the room


A/N: heyo so the 'signs of a panic attack' are actually things i do well having one. Today was my first day of school and I had like three small panic attacks within first period. Then in study hall i was over all of it and joking with people. I was still extremely anxious but the panic attack that i did have was so small it only took a couple of minutes to steady my breathing.

Word count: 410

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