~Chapter Two~

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It's finally last period and I have very little interest in doing any work for the upcoming social studies essay. I'm resting my head in the crook of my elbow, sprawled out across the desk with the hood of my jacket up. I'm counting down the minutes until I can go home and complete the usual routine of binge-watching Chic Nuggs youtube videos, eating my feelings and sleeping well past my bedtime. I might even watch the 7'th season of RuPaul's Drag Race to spice things up a little.

Damian comes running in followed by Caine, he has $50 in his hand which he's waving it around like it's a royal flag. I roll my eyes and continue to rest them. I achieve roughly 2 minutes of sleep until I'm violently brought to my senses by a hasty tap on my shoulder. What a rude awakening. I look up to see Caine eyeing me down suspiciously.

"What do you wa-" I barely manage to get out before being cut-off, "Where's Damian's money?" I'm clueless as to why Caine is asking this.

"Uhh..", I replied, dumbfounded.

"I said where is it?! I know you have it!" I turn my head to see Damian frantically searching the room.

"She doesn't have it, Caine," Emma speaks up, I'm thankful because I can't get any words out. The interrogation put me in shock.

"The $50 was on his desk and now it's not. It has to be her, she's sitting right behind and she probably did it because she and Damian ended things roughly." Why does Caine have to be such a Turd waffle?! I was sleeping, you Dick Sniffer!

I'm reminded of all the hurt I went through with Damian's fuckboyness and feel a pang in my heart. To make matters worse the entire class's eyes are on me and most are sporting accusatory glares.

"I saw her do it!"

"She took the money, she's a lying bitch!"

"She's still not over Damian!"

The tears of humiliation and frustration start to well up and a lump forms in my throat. Anxiety is a bitch. He's towering over me while everyone else in the class is watching the drama unfold. Damian and Caine love putting on a show. Caine's question is whirling around in my head, I have to get some air. To make matters worse Damian strides over. "Naomi where's my money?"

"I-I don't have it", my voice shakes. I hate how my anxiety makes me seem so weak. Tears in my eyes threaten to pour and I can't afford to look vulnerable in this class. I get up to leave the class abruptly but Damian is blocking my way.

"Give me my money now and I won't get mad", I know I won't be able to convince him in this state so I bolt. I push past him, head down the stairs to the empty corridor. I hear the classroom door slam from upstairs and screeching footsteps chasing after me. I'm terrified and all I can do is run. I flee the building and I know he's close behind. Just leave me alone, please. I duck into a random alleyway between two buildings on the school grounds, hoping he gets the message to leave me be. I don't know if it's the running or the oncoming panic attack but my breathing is erratic and I'm borderline hyperventilating.

Of course, as I turn around he's standing right there.

"Why did you run, dude? What are you hiding!", he spits

"I DIDN'T TAKE THE MONEY JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!", I'd rather not have an audience while experiencing a breakdown. I try to get past him but he won't let me. "Empty your pockets. Now", he orders. I hesitate but soon do as he says to prove him wrong, I know all attempts to convince him are futile but he'll be even more suspicious if I don't. After turning out my jacket pockets, I take it off and throw it onto the ground. The biting cold hit me at once, it's January and freezing in New York. The tears are streaming as the anxiety skyrockets and I have to hold my hands behind my back to hide the trembling.

"I don't have your money...", I say in a shaky voice. He gives me a seething look and runs off. I slump down with my back against the frosty wall and try to calm my breathing.


The bell rings for home time and I pick myself up off the alleyway floor. I have to walk back to class to get my school bag. When I get into class there's a group of students waiting for me in the class. Damian, Caine, Ethan, and Jennie are all there waiting to bombard me with questions and accusations. I grab my bag ignoring the abuse being shouted at me. Damian is blocking my path. Again. Once I push past him for the second time, people start shouting at me saying it was uncalled for.

I come across another roadblock- this time it's Julia and Trish. "Awe, what happened?" They say in their best 'concerned' voices. "Are you okay?"

I maneuver around them well aware of the fact that they don't care about me or my well-being, they're just thirsty for some juicy drama.

I proceed to walk briskly to my bus stop. There are more people from my class there. I spot Zane and hope he doesn't try to grill me for answers I don't have. But this is Zane we're talking about.


"Hey-Hey Naomi."

I continue ignoring him and blast some Chic Nuggs in my shitty $5 K-mart earphones.

"Naomi, did you take it? I won't tell if you did"


"Thieving bitch".

The words sting but I don't react.

It was usually the popular kids and fake bitches of the class that were rude to me before. Now I could count the amount of people in the class who treat me like a human on one hand...

I'm too tired to respond. I need a 30-hour nap.

"She's not a thief."

To say the words came as a shock would be an understatement. Well damn, did somebody just stand up for me?

Zane looks as if he feels the same way. We simultaneously whip our heads around to see Levi standing there.

"What?!" Zane says in disbelief.

"I said she's not a thief. And she's not a bitch either. Don't talk to her like that."

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