Chapter 2

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Happy's P.O.V

"Wait they're just kids!" Lucy yelled. 

"Yeah that's what they look like. What if Zerif brought them here." Natsu looked at them closer. 

"Natsu we should bring them to the guild and have Wendy take a look at them." I said. 

"Yeah I guess so." Natsu said picking them up and we headed back to the guild.

Dipper's P.O.V

I woke up laying in a bed and saw Mabel in the one next to me. 

"Where am I?" I said looking around the room. 

"Lucy, I'm telling you what if Zerif sent them to kill us again." A pink haired boy said walking into the room. 

"Natsu I don't think Zerif would send two little kids to do his job." A blonde girl said back to the pink haired boy. 

"Look he's awake!" A blue haired girl said. That girl she looks like she's my age. 

"Hello my name is Wendy Marvel. What's yours?" Wendy said looking at me. 

"Um...My name is Dipper Pines." I said back to her. 

"Dipper where are we?" Mabel said looking at the people then at me. 

"Your in Magnolia!" Wendy smiled. 

"Yeah where you can find the best wizard guild in all of the Kingdom of Fiore." The pink haired boy smiled. 

"Wait did you just say wizards?" I asked. 

"Yeah! By the way my name is Natsu Dragoneel!" Natsu yelled. 

"Hi. My name is Lucy Heartfeilia." Lucy smiled. 

"Aye! My name is Happy!" A blue haired cat said jumping on to my bed. 

"Wait your all wizards?" Mabel asked. "Yep!" They all replied. 

"Cool! My name is Mabel Pines and Dipper is my twin brother." Mabel got off her bed and swung an arm around me. Then me and Mabel's hands started glowing purple.

"I sense Dragon slayer magic coming from you two." Wendy said. 

"Dragon slayer magic?" I asked. 

"It's a power that only given to surtain people like Natsu and Wendy." Lucy said. 

"I use sky dragon slayer magic." Wendy said. 

"I use fire dragon slayer magic." Natsu grinned. 

"Grandine told me that two children of Rise the Time Dragon will come here from another world. I wonder if she was talking about you two." Wendy said. 

"Igneel said something like that too so it has to be them." Natsu said. 

" Maybe we can see tomorrow but we need them to meet the rest of the guild and possibly join." Happy smiled jumping up and down. 

"Sounds like fun!" Mabel yelled. 

"Yeah I guess." I said.

Do you think they will join the guild? Sorry I'm having so much fun doing this. Thank you guys for reading. You are all awsome! 😁

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