Part 51

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You treat them as if
they have a heart like yours
but not everyone can be
as soft and tender as you
you don't see
the person they are
you see the person
they have the potential to be
you give and give till
they have taken everything
out of you and leave
you empty.

-Rupi Kaur

Okay so I normally don't post authors notes but I need to post something lol.
Sunday: Adopted by Thomas Sanders
Monday/Tuesday: Twenty One Pilots Imagines
Wednesday: Wrong Number- Patrick Stump and Poetry Book
Thursday: Any book that needs to be updated.
Friday: Dan's Sister- An Amazingphil fanfiction
Saturday: Any book that needs to be updated.

This is the schedule in which I'm gonna try to update in. I bet it won't happen, but it makes things less stressful for me.
Bye loves

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