The Prophecy

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"A child with Silver eyes
Twisted lies
Kingdoms demise

Standing tall
Awaiting call
A kingdom falls

Be the

The words left Clara's mouth before she could register what she was saying. The amulet swaying around her throat pulsed blue to the rhythm of her heart which beat erratically. Waves of emotion crashed over her like a relentless ocean.

The Silverborne were a blessing for the Kingdom of Nevaeh. They had gifts that could move mountains, twist rivers, create storms, and raise flames. Anguish for the Silverborne washed over her.

The Kingdom would execute the Silverborne.

They would try and thwart fate.

Clara sighed and gazed at the stunned crowd that stood before the Oracle. Lowering her hood she looked them in the eyes.

"Fate is subjective. Do not take my words as gospel," Clara warned, but they did not listen. The words themselves barely made sense to Clara.

Of course they did not listen.

Fear ravaged their minds.

Anger clawed from their throats.

Madness surged from their mouths.

The Oracle slid her hood up and disappeared into the screaming crowd.

Chaos raged like a wildfire. the streets of Nevaeh were infested with vile thoughts of execution and murdering women who seemed most likely to give birth to a Silverborne.

A single tear slid down Clara's cheek. She wished she never had this horrific gift. It was more of a curse anyways.

The last vile words Clara heard were the ones that Clara kept close to her mourning heart.

"We must kill the bastard in the womb! Never let it open it's silver eyes."

The next morning five pregnant woman were found dead.

All of them innocent.


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Hope you like this so far! I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with this. Also, this is all fiction. Please don't plagiarize!!! Be a good person lol. As always, vote and comment!

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