Preface: Iris

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    Once upon a time in the far away Kingdom of Nevaeh, a mother swaddled a baby girl and shoved her into the hands of a waiting maid

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    Once upon a time in the far away Kingdom of Nevaeh, a mother swaddled a baby girl and shoved her into the hands of a waiting maid. "Take her away. Don't ever let her come back. No one can know she was a Silverborne." The mother whispered in urgency as the clunking of heavy boots clambered up the steps to her chamber. The maid, Helena, obeyed with fear and anguish for the mother. With one last lingering gaze at her baby girl, Queen Rochelle gave Helena a curt nod. A single tear rolled down her cheek.

    Opening a secret door hidden behind the Queen's bookshelf, Helena escaped with the baby girl but hesitated near the end of the long, shadowy hallway. Thick curtains of darkness warped around the two, and eerie sounds made the child writhe in her arms. "Shhh...shhh...shhh..." Helena crooned, rocking the baby back and forth. Why did she hesitate? The child was never given a name. In the haste of hiding the child and making future living arrangements, a name was of least importance. The girl was only two weeks old, and visitors had been banned from coming to see the little girl since the Queen was considered ill and she didn't want to be disturbed. They had just called her baby, little girl, and the hated name Silverborne.

No one had second guessed the Queen's need for rest and sanctuary with her child.

She was the Queen after all.

She'd never give birth to one of them.

    Helena looked down at the squirming baby girl who gazed back at her with bright silver eyes. "Iris..." Helena murmured to her, then rushed down the passage before hastily climbing up a ladder which led to a trap door that opened up into the middle of the Hallow's Forest. It was in the middle of the night and the plan was going smoothly.

    Running through the forest, Helena clutched the baby closer. The baby against her was warm, wriggling, and alive. It made what she was going to do so much harder. "You could just look and act like the evil you'll grow into." Helena miserably muttered. Iris just cooed back. "I should have named you Eve...short for evil!" She snapped and the baby just whined.

    Finally they came to the Hallow's Well. She was supposed to turn left at the well and continue to the Oracle's lair where the child would be safe. Queen Rochelle, had made living arrangements with some hunter named Ace and Clara, the Oracle, to protect and raise the Princess. That was Queen Rochelle's plan. Helena's plan was different. "I'm sorry little Iris...but I lost my sister to the Silverborne Curse. She was pregnant and...and...they killed her. While everyone celebrated Queen Rochelle's pregnancy, I mourned my sister and niece's deaths. Don't take it personally...people I love will die if you don't..." Helena's voice broke and shattered. She took no pleasure in cranking up the water bucket, and sliding a beautiful baby girl inside of it.

    "I hope you feel no pain..." Helena whispered through thick, coarse, sobs. Her brown hair stuck to her face, and her hands trembled as she began lowering the bucket with Iris in it.

At the bottom of the well was water.

At the bottom of the well was Clara.

     Clara knew that Helena would betray them. She saw it one of the clearest visions she's ever had. The pain and love for her family outweighed Helena's morals. It was honorable. Extremely cruel, yet could one really blame her? Clara watched the baby get closer and closer to the bottom. Then there was a scream and the rope that held up the bucket was cut loose and the bucket with little Iris in it fell.

    Clara knew what happened.

    Ace had launched one arrow in Helena's neck, and the other sliced the rope holding up the bucket, causing Iris's decent to speed up. This way both Clara and the legendary Hunter Ace could escape and hide Iris as quickly as possible.

    As for Helena's death. Some would say it was unnecessary, others cruel and wretched.

To Clara it was justice.

Helena was going to murder the child.

    Catching the bucket that cradled a crying Iris, Clara gazed down at the terrified baby with bright silver eyes. They were wide and curious. Clara smiled.

    This baby could destroy the whole world if she wanted too...and yet the power was shrouded by her innocence and beauty.

    "Oh Iris..." Clara sighed as Iris began reaching for the swaying amulet in between Clara's breasts, "'re path in this universe will not be easy."

Iris just giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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