Cherry: Chapter 7

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Cherry couldn't sleep for a second night running.

She flicked through old sexts from Brad, looking for love. None. No love anywhere. Nobody loved her, certainly not Phil. He'd made that pretty clear the night before. Maybe she shouldn't have expected him to hold deep feelings for her after a few days and just one fuck, but how could he have given up like that?

Mom and Daddy were mad as hell when they spotted Cherry standing arm-in-arm with Phil. "Where have you two been?"

Phil quickly unravelled himself from her, spitting out excuses her parents obviously didn't buy. They weren't stupid.

"How could you?" Daddy asked. "Phil, you've defiled my daughter."

"Well," Mom said. "I don't know about defiled..."

When he begged her parents' forgiveness, Cherry smacked him in the chest. "Are you an idiot? You don't know how to lie?"

"I'm sorry," he said, like he was talking to everybody. He tried to explain how wretched he'd felt since his marriage ended, how unworthy and unnecessary. "With Cherry, I felt like a man again."

"Phil!" Daddy barked. "Put a sock in it before I throw a punch. That's my daughter you're talking about."

Cherry had to admit, she felt pretty proud she'd made Phil feel like a man. She knew it was the truth, but it was always different hearing the words.

"I should have known this would happen," Mom kept saying. "Cherry, how could you? He's your father's age. Is this about your dad? Do you have incestuous feelings to deal with? Is that it?"

"Ewww, Mom!"

"Yeah, Sylvie," Daddy said. "Let's give it a rest."

Now Cherry couldn't get that image out of her head, of lying flat on her back on Flat Rock, with her father rutting between her legs. She clasped her hand to her stomach, trying to keep her dinner down.

That's when Daddy told Phil, "I think you'd better leave."

"No!" Cherry wrapped both arms around him. "You can't do this, Daddy! I love Phil. I love him!"

In the moment, she believed everything she was saying.

Her mother didn't. "Oh, grow up, Cherry. You're not a little girl anymore. When are you going to realize your actions have consequences?"

"I want him to stay," she shouted. "Why doesn't anyone ever care what I want? Why doesn't anyone care about me?"

"Keep your voice down," Daddy and Phil said, both at the same time.

Something snapped inside of Cherry, and she cried against Phil's hard chest. He didn't hold her. He didn't pet her hair. Instead, he stepped away and agreed to leave first thing the next morning.

Cherry didn't remember falling asleep that night, but by the time she awoke Phil's convertible was gone. Phil was gone.


She'd barely spoken to her parents all day. They'd asked if she wanted to go for a hike or a swim, or play a board game, and every time she'd snapped, "No! I hate you both!"

Now, in the middle of the night, she was tossing and turning in her tiny bed. She wanted to get some relief from the pounding between her thighs, but she didn't feel like masturbating.


Cheery flipped from her back to her front, landing so forcefully the bed knocked against the wall. She lay still, but it happened again.

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