Please Do Take Him In

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A/N: Wowwww I really hate my writing 😂 I actually thought of deleting this book yesterday. 🤔

I begin to question the girl again, but the sound of my father's footsteps creaking on the stairs stops me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Y/N, my talk with my son took longer than I thought."

I quickly hold up a finger to my lips, signalling her to stay quiet, as I hide under the stairs. She whispers an 'okay' before turning her attention back to my dad.

"It's okay Mr.Kim, thank you for the cookies!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed them, my son is usually the only one that gets to eat them."

"Well I think you're a great cook!"

He smiles gently at her before patting her head. "And I think you're a great kid, despite Jihee being your mother."

"...I know my Eomma is a bad lady, but she means well Mr.Kim."

She's so naive...if only she knew what she did to Appa, Tae, Kookie, and me.

"Whatever you may believe..let's move into my lab shall we?"

I can't help but stare pitifully at the small boy on the playground. 

Why is he crying? What's on his mind? Can I help him?

These are some questions that flow through my mind the longer I look at him. I originally came here to help out the orphanage.

After losing Taehyung and Jungkook, I needed something to fill the void they took up, so I decided to help here.

Although, this orphanage doesn't have much as a 'home' feeling. The kids' caretaker doesn't really do anything fun with the kids, instead she them?

I go over to the small boy to see if there's anyway I can calm him down.

"Why are you crying little one?"

As soon as he looks up at me, my heart stops. When I see his tears, it immediately reminded me of Jungkook when I said I wanted to adopt Tae.

Suddenly the boy starts crying again, but this time full out sobbing. I only could do the first thing that came to mind; embrace him.

"Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I just wanted to see if I could help you feel better." I tell him before gently stroking the back of his head.

"W-Why would you want to help me? You don't even know my name."

To be a volunteer here, I actually had to learn all of the kids' names. I've at least had a little interaction with all of them, but not him. So I always kept his name in mind in case I ever did get to meet him.

"I actually do know that at least, Jimin. I was hoping to adopt you, so I thought I'd let you get a little bit more comfortable with me before I asked of it was okay for me to take you home."

The words just slip out of my mouth before I even realize what I was even saying. Was I even ready for another kid? Did he even want me near him?

"R-Really?" He asks me in a soft voice almost melting my heart. I can't help but give him a nod, because now I feel as though I'd let him down if I told him I didn't mean it.

"I have to go now, but I'll be back tomorrow."


I smile to him and extend my pinky, before lowering it down to his height.

"Only if you promise to think about letting me adopt you." He quickly intertwine his pinky with mine and nods vigorously. I let out a chuckle and smile. "Bye bye, Chim Chim."

A nickname I had grown accustomed to calling him whenever I passed by him on the attendance sheet.

"Now let's see exactly where they are.." Zico says as he finishes attaching wires to my arms and legs. I could only glare at him as he walked to his machine.

"You might feel a little...pinch." He chuckles for a moment and then looks back to me. "I'm sorry not a little," He starts before turning on the machine.

Whatever the machine is supposed to be doing, it's working. I receive a massive headache, and start to lose the feeling in my hands and legs.

"I was supposed to say a lot, my mistake."

I glare at him through the as I feel my consciousness slowly slipping away.

As I pass out, I faintly hear Yoongi yelling telling the man to stop, but the pain only gets stronger.

"DON'T YOU SEE SHE'S UNCONSCIOUS!?!? TURN IT OFF!!!!" I yell from the top of my lungs when I don't see Y/N moving.

"But what I need is her unconscious." Zico tells me with a bored expression and turns back towards his computer. "Her brain wave levels are almost stable."

"What!? Did you put her in a coma!?!"

" More of a...deep sleep."


"To activate this child's abilities, I need her unconscious. If she were awake and I were to attempt this, it would be similar to your little friend with the raven hair."


"Eh whatever, they ran away before I got the chance to learn their names."

"What do you mean similar to him!?!"

"Nothing you need to worry about at the moment, but let's take a look to see where your friends are shall we?"

He presses to a control pad and turns on a monitor. He waits a little while, but the screen never turns on. "Hm, I guess she's still hasn't fully settled in yet. I'll have to wait a little longer I suppose."

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